Today every brand out there’s seeking out methods to stand out from their competition. 

Brands are always looking for ways to improve their products. This means that customer feedback has now become extra important.

Not only that, but it has also been proven that customer experience plays an essential role in brand recognition. 

One such new tech that has come to be a game changer is the rating QR Code. QR Codes don’t just redirect users to websites or social media profiles. They now serve as a medium of exchange for getting valuable feedback.

This article explores the concept of rating QR codes. It explains their benefits and impact on businesses, brands, and individuals.

Let’s begin!

A. Understanding rating QR Codes

Understanding rating QR Codes
QR Code for collecting feedback

1. What is a rating QR Code?

A rating QR Code is used to redirect users to feedback forms, rating pages, suggestion polls, and more. 

With just a scan, users can access an online platform. Here, they can provide valuable feedback and suggest improvements to products or services.

2. How do rating QR Codes work?

The process is really simple and quite user-friendly. Businesses can generate these rating QR Codes using various online tools and services. 

Once generated, these codes can be smartly placed at multiple touchpoints. These touchpoints could be product packaging, order receipts, menus, or even physical locations like storefronts. 

In this case, customers are taken to a webpage or an app where they can provide their feedback or ratings after scanning the rating QR Code.

B. What is the purpose of rating QR Codes

purpose of rating QR Codes

1. Improving business operations

A business cannot improve if there is no way to collect feedback. Rating QR Codes provide the most basic and simplest way to provide a two-way channel, directly from the customer to the business. 

It helps the business understand its strengths and weaknesses from real-time feedback provided by customers. 

For instance, the quality of food or service at a restaurant, the quality of the products, or perhaps the in-store experience in a retail store.

2. Enhancing customer engagement

The market is very competitive today, and engaging customers has become important like never before. Rating QR Codes facilitates a two-way interaction between the business and its customers.

That surely would mean that if a business is actively seeking customer opinions, it shows that it cares about what customers think. This enhances not only customer experience but also customer feelings of inclusion and belonging.

3. Promoting customer loyalty

Loyalty is based upon trust and good experiences. Rating QR Codes make a huge difference in this regard by creating a smooth and hassle-free feedback loop. 

Apart from that, businesses can offer incentives in the form of discounts or loyalty points, which again support brand loyalty.

Pro Tip: If customers feel heard and see their feedback leading to real changes, they are more likely to become loyal to the brand.

C. Implementing rating QR Codes: A step-by-step guide

Implementing rating QR Codes; vector image of two people giving feedback

1. Define your objectives

First things first, you need to define a purpose before making the Rating QR Codes. Is this to improve something in your business, like customer service or product quality, specifically? 

Otherwise, would you like to receive general feedback to make your further decisions? Defining clear goals and objectives will enable you to make forms and questions relevant to your feedback.

2. Choose the right QR Code Generator

While designing rating QR Codes for gathering feedback, it is necessary to select the right QR Code generator. 

The generator should have several categories of QR Codes with customization options, advanced analytics, and data privacy options. Among the tools available on the market, one of the best is Scanova

Here’s why you can choose Scanova as the perfect solution to generate your QR Codes:

1. Multiple categories of QR Codes: Scanova offers a range of QR Code categories to choose from, which are very diverse and satisfy many different needs. 

Starting from a simple URL QR Code to a custom page QR Code that contains feedback forms, Scanova has everything. This flexibility lets businesses decide the type of QR Code that is appropriate for them.

2. Customization Options: A custom designer QR Code can attract more scans as compared to a simple black and white one. Scanova offers options wherein QR Codes can be created in brand colors, logos, and patterns. 

You can opt for a custom logo design or choose an AI-generated design to make your QR Code look attractive at first glance. 

G2 Testimonial of Scanova

3. Robust Analytics: Knowing how your QR Codes perform will help you fine-tune your strategies. Strong analytics provided by Scanova track the scanning data in real time. 

You can track the number of scans, the location of scans, the devices used, and much more. This rich analytic data allows one to measure the success of their QR Code campaign for effective customer engagement.

Scanova's Brand Testimonial Review

4. Data privacy features: Data privacy is, in fact, one of the prime concerns of any business and customers at large, more so in this present digital age. 

Scanova takes data privacy very seriously, which means that any user information collected via a QR Code has to be kept and handled securely. 

This platform abides by rigorous data protection regulations like GDPR, SOC 2, and ISO 27001:2013, putting your mind at rest over how your customer’s data is handled.

Trycon's robust Security compliance

5. User-friendly interface: Scanova’s UI is very simple and intuitive, which means that anyone can create and personalize QR Codes on Scanova without requiring any prior technical knowledge.

6. Cost-effective solutions: Affordable pricing plans, including a 14-day free trial, make the solution within the reach of businesses of all sizes.

Scanova’s multidimensional features will ensure that your QR Code campaigns are successful, secure, and reliable.

Scanova is trusted by many big brands like Amazon, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, etc.

3. Creating your rating QR Code

feedback form QR code

Creating a rating QR Code can be done in two different ways. Keep reading to understand these options in detail.

I. Method 1: Linking your rating QR Code to an online feedback form

Say you already have your online rating/feedback collection platform or use one online (such as Google forms, SurveyMonkey, etc.). You use it to create the review/rating form and get a link. 

Pro Tip: Remember the feedback form should be user-friendly and concise to get more user responses.

After creating your form, you’ll get a unique URL. Copy this link, head over to Scanova, and follow the steps below.

PS: You could also use this if you need to get ratings on Google. Just fetch the link to your Google Business rating page and continue as follows:  

How to Create a QR Code:

1. Go to Scanova QR Code Generator.

Choose QR Code Category Cropped

2. Select the “Website URL” QR Code category.

3. Enter the URL of your form and click “Continue.”

4. Name your QR Code and click “Create QR Code.”

5. You’ll see a preview of your QR Code along with an “Edit Design” option.

Choose Qr Code design type

6. Choose between “Custom Logo Design” or “AI-Generated Design” to make your QR Code more appealing.

7. Once you are satisfied with your design, click “Done Editing” and then click on “Download.”

Download QR Code export options offered by Scanova

Note that clicking on the download button will prompt you to sign up for a 14-day free trial (Don’t worry, no card details are required); you can then proceed to download your QR Code.

8. Choose the image format and size, and click “Export.” Voila, you’re done creating your rating QR Code.

You now have a rating QR Code with your survey link that you can place on print media to gather feedback.

II. Method 2: Using a QR Code with a built-in custom feedback form

Using multiple tools to create feedback forms and then generate QR Codes could be difficult for some people. 

If you prefer to use only one tool, you can use Scanova, as it offers a built-in feedback form. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Go to Scanova and select “Custom Page QR Code” from the QR Code categories.

2. On the page that loads, you can enter the content you want users to see, along with the feedback form.

3. Customize the landing page with descriptions, colors, images, links, buttons, and files.

4. Select the “Custom Form” option from the “Add” section to add your custom rating form. You can design your feedback form by adding questions and choosing answer types (short answer, star rating, like/dislike, emoji, etc.).

Optionally, you can set a form expiration date and time, meaning that this form will automatically expire and stop taking responses after the set date and time. Along with that, you can even design the submit button with text, color, and border options.

5. Once you’re done, Click “Continue” and name your QR Code to proceed.

6. After doing all that, you can customize the QR Code design with logo or background options if desired.

7. Download your QR Code after specifying the size and format, and your rating QR Code is ready for use.

4. Strategically deploy the rating QR Code

Here comes the important part: It’s crucial to place the rating QR Code in touchpoints that customers are more likely to look at. This will encourage more engagement from the users.

These QRs can be deployed on product packaging or on receipts, business cards, menus, or digital platforms like email signatures and social media posts.

Pro Tip: Advertise the QR Code across all channels and ask your customer to scan and give feedback in exchange for some rewards like discounts, freebies, or even loyalty points.

5. Analyze feedback and take action

To get the best out of your rating QR Code, you need to collect and analyze the feedback regularly. 

This is important to identify common trends and areas of improvement.

Above all, act on feedback and tell the customers about the change. This helps close the loop of feedback and communicates to the customers that their views and opinions count.

I. How to analyze responses of third-party feedback forms:

If you used Google Forms for feedback collection, you can analyze the data using the response spreadsheets offered by Google Forms. 

Other platforms like SurveyMonkey offer advanced data analysis options that can be accessed through their dedicated dashboards. 

II. How to view feedback responses received through Scanova’s custom form

If you used Scanova to create the feedback form, follow these steps to view and analyize the responses:

Scanova's "My QR Code" page that shows a list of all your QR Codes.
  1. Log in to your Scanova account and go to the “My QR Codes” section of the dashboard
  2. Now, click the “View/Edit” icon next to the QR Code you want to check.
  3. On the screen that loads, scroll down to the “Download Data” section and click “Generate.”

The response data will be sent to your registered email in CSV format. By following these simple steps, you can efficiently create and manage rating QR Codes.

D. Real-world applications of rating QR Codes

1. Restaurants and Cafes

restaurant rating QR code; vector image of a person eating fries, and giving 5 stars rating.

Rating QR Codes can be put on the tables, on the menus, or even on the receipts at restaurants. 

The customer uses these QRs to provide instant feedback about the dining experience. This would help to garner instantaneous feedback about the quality of food, service, ambiance, and overall satisfaction.

2. Retail Stores

Retailers could include rating QR Codes within product packaging or on receipts. Customers can respond to the quality of a product, the shop, or how well customer queries have been handled. 

That information can be used when making inventory decisions and developing customer service strategies.

3. Hotels and Hospitality

Hotels can use rating QR Codes to gather feedback about room cleanliness, quality of service, the quality of the amenities available, and overall guest experience. 

The ratings and comments enable the maintenance of high standards and dealing with problems effectively and quickly.

4. Events and Conferences

Event organizers can use these rating QR Codes to collect feedback on an event’s organization, content, and overall experience. 

This information is very valuable for improving attendees’ satisfaction in future events.

5. Healthcare 

Rating QR Codes helps healthcare facilities take feedback from their patients regarding their experience. 

The feedback form can include questions like how long the patients had to wait, staff behavior, or quality of care. It’s a great way to improve patient service and satisfaction.

D. Benefits of using rating QR Codes

1. Convenience and accessibility

Rating QR Codes offers a convenient and accessible way for customers to provide feedback. There’s no need for lengthy forms or surveys; a simple scan is all it takes.

2. Real-time feedback

Businesses can receive real-time feedback, which allows them to address issues promptly and make quick improvements.

3. Cost-effective

Implementing rating QR Codes is quite cost-effective compared to traditional feedback methods. The best part? There are no printing or distribution costs involved.

4. Increased response rates

The simplicity and ease of use of these rating QR Codes often lead to higher response rates than traditional feedback methods.

5. Enhanced data collection

Digital feedback forms allow for easy data collection and analysis. Businesses can gather valuable insights and trends to inform decision-making.

6. Brand recognition

By adopting innovative feedback methods like rating QR Codes, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and position themselves as customer-centric.

E. FAQs About Rating QR Codes

faqs - rating qr code; people wondering in front of a human sized monitor.

1. What is a rating QR Code?

A Rating QR Code is a type of QR Code that directs users to a feedback form, rating page, or suggestion poll. 

By scanning the QR Code with their smartphones, customers can easily provide feedback, rate products or services, and share suggestions.

2. How do I create a rating QR Code?

You can create a rating QR Code in two main ways. First, use an online form tool like Google Forms to create your feedback form, then generate a QR Code with a service like Scanova. Alternatively, you can use a QR Code generator with built-in feedback forms, such as Scanova’s Custom Page QR Code option.

3. Why should I use rating QR Codes?

Rating QR Codes make it easy for customers to give feedback, helping you improve your products or services. 

They enhance customer engagement and show that you value your customers’ opinions. 

Plus, they can help build customer loyalty by making the feedback process quick and convenient.

4. Where should I place my rating QR Codes?

Place your Rating QR Codes where customers can easily scan them, such as on product packaging, receipts, menus, business cards, or in-store displays. 

You can also include them in digital formats like email signatures and social media posts.

5. How do I analyze the feedback from rating QR Codes?

If you’re using a tool like Google Forms, you can analyze the feedback directly from the response spreadsheet. 

For more advanced analytics, platforms like SurveyMonkey offer detailed data analysis options. 

Scanova also provides robust analytics to help you track and understand the performance of your QR Codes.

6. Are there any privacy concerns with using rating QR Codes?

Data privacy is important. Make sure the tool you use complies with data protection regulations. For example, Scanova ensures that all data collected through its QR Codes is secure and handled responsibly, keeping customer information safe.

7. Can I customize my rating QR Code?

Yes, you can! Customizing your QR Code with your brand’s colors, logos, and patterns can make it more attractive and engaging. 

Tools like Scanova offer extensive customization options to help your QR Codes stand out and attract more scans.

8. Do I need any special software to scan a rating QR Code?

No special software is needed. Most smartphones have built-in QR Code scanners in their camera apps. 

Simply open your camera app, point it at the QR Code, and follow the on-screen instructions to access the feedback form.

9. What types of feedback can I collect with a rating QR Code?

You can collect various types of feedback, including star ratings, short answers, multiple-choice responses, and even emoji reactions. 

This flexibility allows you to gather detailed and valuable insights from your customers.

10. Is there a cost to using Rating QR Codes?

Creating a basic QR Code with a feedback form can be free if you use tools like Google Forms and a free QR Code generator. 

However, for advanced features and better customization, you should use paid services like Scanova, which also offers a 14-day free trial.


Rating QR Codes will be a strong tool for any business, brand, or entity aiming to collect feedback, increase engagement, and foster customer loyalty. 

Through rating QR Codes, businesses can strive for betterment in operations and customer satisfaction and a more loyal relationship with their customers. 

Unleash the potential of rating QR Codes to take customer engagement a notch higher.

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