You might be from a consumer goods-based organization that uses tags on products. And you know that these could be used for many use cases besides logistical purposes.

Often, these tags come with a barcode that helps the manufacturer track inventory. But nowadays, QR Codes have started replacing barcodes (all for good).

Wondering why we say that? It’s because a QR Code is capable of storing far more data than a barcode. It can even store alphanumeric characters, web links, and more besides plain text.

That’s why you too want to explore the utility of QR Codes on tags. And trust us, they can help you do everything (right from inventory management to product authentication). How? Well, here’s the answer:

A. What can QR Codes do on tags

1. Help customers verify product authenticity

Duplicate products are all over the market for any industry out there. These do not just cause you revenue loss but the loss of brand reputation too. The only sound way to stop this is by helping customers differentiate between genuine and duplicate products.

Investing in branding and marketing efforts can help you effectively brand your small business and establish a strong reputation in the industry, making it easier for customers to distinguish your authentic products from the duplicates.

To do that, many brands use QR Codes. Yes, it’s just like the QR Codes you find on medical reports.

Scanning the QR Code on the product tag can help customers authenticate the product. This leaves no room for any unauthorized products to be sold under your brand name.

2. Tracking the products

Product tracking is one of the most common use cases of QR Codes. In fact, not just manufacturers but others (such as airlines) also leverage this.

With a QR Code, you can track the movement of goods at each point of transit. The concerned personnel just need to scan them and see where the shipment/product is.

To know more, you can go through this detailed guide on luggage tracking via QR Codes.

3. Share a video-based guide

Does your product need customers to assemble it post-purchase? Then you’d have to give them a guide to do it right.

But nothing really beats a video-based tutorial in doing just that. Now since you can’t directly add a video on the tag, add a Video QR Code instead. Scanning it will help the end-users to access the video right away. Isn’t that great?

4. Share documents

Many manufacturers and retailers need to offer user manuals and warranty cards to customers. While these documents have traditionally been paper-based, that doesn’t need to be the case anymore.

Such cards often keep lying somewhere in our homes until we forget even receiving them. So a better solution is adding them a Document QR Code and printing it on a label or tag.

That way, customers can access the required document any time they want. No need to store the booklets anymore.

5. App Store QR Code

Do you have a mobile app that you’d like the customers to download? Great! Then make use of an App Store QR Code on your tags.

Wondering what it does? Scanning it redirects your audience to download your app via Google Play Store or Apple App Store. They’re automatically taken to the right platform based on their phone’s operating system.

That means you don’t need to create two different QR Codes any longer. Just one would do the job well for you.

6. Get people to check out your online range

Having customers shop with you inside a store is amazing. And so is staying in touch even after the purchase. So if you have a website, make full use of it. How?

You can redirect the customers to check out your website from the product tag. And we’re not talking about adding the weblink to the tag. We’re rather talking about adding a Website URL QR Code.

Scanning it will take the customers to the required website. It could be to check your online product range, learn about your business, make a purchase, etc.

7. Increase your social media traction

Do you use social media to keep your customers aware of new trends and offers?

If yes, then you must get them to follow your social media handles. And a Social Media QR Code can help you out.

When customers scan it, they see a landing page. It contains the button links to all your social media accounts.

They can then select their preferred one to follow you online. Cool, right? No hassle for anyone to manually look for the right social media account of yours. And when the process gets simpler, the conversion rate (followership here) gets better.

8. Offer styling advice

Many brands offer tips on how to style an outfit. It acts like expert advice and helps the buyers carry the outfit in the best possible way.

Such tips and advice help the customers make use of the product the best way possible. And when a product gives the best results, the affinity of customers to repurchase with the brand increases.

If you’re planning to do it, a Custom Page QR Code could help you. It helps you design a while landing page by adding the following:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Images
  • Documents
  • Button links
  • Video

Think of it as a mobile landing page that the end-users will see on scanning the QR Code.

You now know how QR Codes can be useful on tags. Now is the time to see how many big payers in the market are doing it already.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

B. Brands using QR Codes on Tags

1. The R Collective

The R Collective, an apparel brand supported by Levi’s, uses QR Codes on bottom wear.

The QR Code helps customers learn how to take care of the cloth by giving information on:

i. Drying tips
ii. Sustainable product care
iii. Less intensive washing tips
iv. Restyling the product


PUMA, a well-known footwear brand, uses QR Codes too. These QR Codes communicate a unique brand story to the customers.

As you scan it, the PUMA mascot appears via Augmented Reality. It then helps customers take selfies with it.

In addition, the brand prints its QR Code on every piece of footwear. It allows the customers to know more about the product.

3. Ralph Lauren

Another luxury brand, Ralph Lauren, uses QR Codes on its POLO range. The purpose of QR Codes here is to prevent the products from forgery.

Ralph Lauren, uses QR Codes on its POLO range

On scanning these QR Codes, customers can verify if it’s a genuine POLO product or not. It even helps customers learn more about the product with styling ideas.

4. 1017 Alyx 9Sm

1017 Alyx 9Sm, a fashion brand known for its luxe streetwear, engages its customers via QR Codes on apparel.

The QR Code carries the supply chain history of each product. When scanned, customers get to know where the raw material came from, how the garment was manufactured, and its shipping history. Great, right?

Now that you’ve learned the basics, the next question is:

C. How to create QR Codes

Here, you’ll need a Best QR code generator. And depending on your use case, you can choose from:

1. Normal QR Code generator

This is helpful if you don’t need to create multiple QR Codes with different information. For example, if you want to take customers to your website, you’ll just need one QR Code with your web link.

You can then print as many copies of the same as you want. To know more about how to create QR Codes, you can refer to this detailed guide.

2. Bulk QR Code generator

If you want each QR Code to have different information, then you may need a bulk generation service. For example, in the case of inventory management.

Here a Bulk QR Code generator will help you save both time and money. To know how to create QR Codes in bulk, here’s a detailed guide.

If you’re still reading, you’ve learned everything about QR Codes on tags. You can now get started on creating one for your own:

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