You’re probably an app developer or a marketer. And you want to get people to see your app. And not just that, you in fact want them to see a specific page within your mobile application.

So you’re looking for easy and efficient ways to do that. You’ve probably seen QR Codes being used to redirect end-users to download the mobile app from a relevant app store. So you want to explore the scope of deep linking a QR Code with a specific page in your mobile app.

And the good news is that you can do it in a few easy steps. You don’t need to hire a software developer to do the job. All that you need is—the URL of the in-app page that you’d want the end-users to see and a relevant QR Code generator.

In this article, we’ll talk in detail about who can use an App Deep Link QR Code and how to create one.

Related: Types of QR Code

A. What is an App Deep Link QR Code

An App Deep Link QR Code redirects the end-user to a specific page within your app. It operates in the following two ways:

1. Say your app is already installed on the end user’s device. Now he scans your App Deep Link QR Code. Doing this would take him to the encoded in-app page within few seconds

2. On the other hand, say an end-user doesn’t have your app pre-installed. In such cases, scanning the QR Code will take them to your app on the appropriate app store as per their device’s OS. Once they install the app, they can again scan the QR Code to land on the required page in the app

All of this sounds quite simple, right? Your audience will no longer have to search your desired in-app page by themselves. You can make the user journey better and smoother in no time.

B. Why should you use a Deep Link QR Code

Now that you know what exactly an App Deep Link QR Code does, here are some benefits of it:

1. Showcase your latest work

Do you have a mobile app where you keep updating your latest work? Then you’d certainly want the end-users to see it. This is what an App Deep Link QR Code can help you with.

Rather than hoping that users will find their way to your latest collection, you can direct them towards it. Simply create a QR Code and add it to your promotional creatives. When the end-users scan it, they’ll be taken to your desired destination.

And the good news is that you can even change the destination (in-app page) encoded in the QR Code.

For example, say you keep updating your collection weekly. You’ll not have to create a new QR Code each time you want people to see the latest content. You can edit the same QR Code to change the in-app link anytime you want. This is because the QR Code we’re talking about here is dynamic in nature.

2. Packs more information in limited space

A QR Code requires only a little space to get accommodated in. And it packs a vast amount of information compared to the space it occupies.

A tiny QR Code can have pages of text, images, videos, or any other multimedia encoded in it. In fact, many QR Codes even allow you to create a mobile landing page without the need to have a website. Interesting, right?

In case you’re interested, here’s a detailed guide on what should be the ideal size of your QR Code.

3. Attracts the end-users’ attention

The attention span of users these days is quite small. Hence, as a marketer, you need to grab their attention in the first few seconds. But don’t QR Codes look too plain and dull to do that? Well, not really.

Why create boring black-and-white QR Codes when you can actually design them? It is a fact that customized QR Codes attract 50%-200% more scans than the black-and-white ones.

They act as a point-of-engagement to attract the user’s attention. And that translates to better campaign success and conversions.

4. Track your campaign performance

Do you know that QR Codes are a perfect tool for marketing campaigns? That’s because they are trackable. You can monitor their entire scanning activity. For example, how many people have scanned the QR Code, from where they’ve done it, and when they’ve done it.

And in fact, you can also monitor how many people actually interact with the content encoded in the QR Code. For example, how many of them actually hit the button to visit your app.

Having all this data is useful to fine-tune your campaigns for better results.

Related: Types of QR Codes

C. Who can use an App Deep Link QR Code.

1. Retailers

Do you have an e-commerce app that you use to sell products? Then on various occasions, you might have to promote certain products in particular to boost their sales.

An App Deep Link QR Code can enable you to bring people closer to your desired products. And eventually, help you make a sale.

2. Educational institutions

Many educational institutions now have mobile apps to help students easily avail their services. It could be study materials, assignments, or video lectures. And an App Deep Link QR Code can help take education one step ahead.

For example, to help students track their attendance, you can deep link the attendance page to QR Code. On the other hand, to help them submit their assignments, you can deep link the assignment submission page. It’s that simple.

3. Gym and other fitness centers

Do you have a mobile app for your gym or fitness business? You might use it to help people book appointments and avail the rest of your services.

And just like the previous use cases, you can redirect end-users to your appointment page easily. Simply create the QR Code and add it inside your premises and on other promotional material.

And make sure you add an appropriate instruction statement (CTA) with it. It could be—’Scan here to book an appointment’.

It will nudge the end-users to take action. They can then scan the QR Code and do the needful.

4. Restaurants

It is common for restaurants to use a mobile app for online order systems. And like any other e-commerce business, you do push certain cuisines or dishes during occasions.

App Deep Link QR Code can allow you to offer the exact niche you’d want to.

5. Tour guides

Various tour guides offer a mobile app for tourists. And a QR Code can help the visitors easily understand the artifact or monument in front of them within your app. It eliminates the need for tedious searching of historic or cultural facts related to a particular place.

C. How to create an App Deep Link QR Code

Here’s the next big question—how to create an App Deep Link QR Code?

1. Find a QR Code generator

You’d need a QR Code generator that allows you to create an App Deep Link QR Code. You can head on to any search engine and type the query. It may fetch you many options to choose from.

But going through all the search results to find the best one is a tedious process. For your convenience, here is a detailed comparison of the best QR Code generator available online. This will help you make a sound decision smoothly.

Related : QR Code For Link

2. Create a QR Code

Using the Scanova QR Code generator, here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to proceed:

1. Go to Scanova

2. From the QR Code category, select an App Deep Link QR Code

QR Code categories

3. Next, paste the links to your desired page in-app in the appropriate fields under the ‘Enter App URLs’ section. Next, enter the link to your app on Playstore and App Store in the subsequent fields

Paste page links

4. Now, click on Continue. On the page that loads, enter a name for your QR Code and click Create QR Code

5. Next, you will see the image of the QR Code. Below it, you will see the Edit Design option

6. If you click on this option, you’ll see two design options to choose from—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design

Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add a logo and colors to your QR Code. And it also helps you change the pattern of the QR Code’s eyes and data modules.

Custom Background Design: It helps you place your QR Code on an image. And you can also change the pattern of the QR Code’s eyes and data modules with it.

7. Once you’ve decided on design or no design, click on Download. A window will pop up, prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you sign up, proceed to download the QR Code

8. Next, just specify the QR Code image’s format and dimensions. Once you do it, click Export

That’s it. Your App Deep Link QR Code will be downloaded and ready to use.

E. How to edit the QR Code content

In case you’d like to make changes to the content encoded in your QR Code, follow these steps:

1. Login to your Scanova account

2. From the dashboard, go to My QR Codes

My QR Codes

3. Go to the QR Code you wish to make changes to and click on the View/Edit icon against it

4. On the page that loads, head on to the content section and click View/Edit

5. Make the required changes

6. Once you’re done, click Apply

That’s it. Your QR Code will be updated.

F. Best Practices

Here are some of the best practices that you must follow for an App Deep Link QR Code:

1. Add an appropriate CTA

CTA translates to ‘Call-to-action’ statement. It is a small instruction that tells the users what they need to do or expect after scanning the QR Code. Hence, it nudges them to take the required action.

So, it is important to add an appropriate CTA with your QR Code. It could be anything such as ‘Scan here to order french fries’ or ‘Scan here to see a video lecture’.

2. Add a design to the QR Code

If you’re planning on using the QR Code for promotional purposes, you must consider adding design to it. It will serve two purposes.

First, it will help the QR Code blend well with your promotional creatives. Second, it will grab the recipient’s attention and gives them an extra nudge to scan it.

3. Test scan the QR Code

It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before putting them out for your target audience. You can do it via your phone’s native camera or third-party scanning apps.

4. Choose optimal printing format

Are you planning to use the QR Code on print media? Then make sure you download it in vector format. The most common formats include SVG, EPS, PS, and PDF.

They ensure that the QR Code doesn’t get pixelated no matter how much resizing is done.

This is all you need to know about the App Deep Link QR Code. You can now go ahead and make your very own QR Code to boost your conversions and offer a unique hassle-free user experience.