If you are planning to run a marketing campaign, you’d already have a lot to look after. And you’re probably going to use QR Codes as a part of your…
Danish is passionate about offline-to-online transitions and interactive marketing. In 2020, QR Codes caught his attention and he has been a subject matter expert ever since. That’s what best describes him. He not only knows a lot about QRs but also loves writing about them to help people understand this (seemingly) complex technology easily. Based in Jammu, Danish loves staying close to nature and exploring its hidden avenues. When away from creating compelling articles, you can find him making a mean coleslaw sandwich, while bingeing on his favorite sitcom and crime shows.
You know what a QR Code is. Just like a barcode, it is used to store information. However, it goes a step ahead of traditional barcodes to store much more…
You’ve seen QR Codes already. These square-shaped barcodes are now being rampantly used for use cases such as payments, promotions, and inventory tracking. And you’re probably thinking of using them…
You probably have heard about NFTs. They are non-fungible tokens for unique assets like a piece of digital art, digital content, or media. NFTs are blockchain-based tokens that act as…
You probably own or run a business. It could be a brick-and-mortar shop or an online store. And you use traditional print media for promotions. This could be through channels…
You probably know what QR Codes are. They are square-shaped 2D barcodes that store information. From text and alphanumeric characters to multimedia, they can store it all. You’re probably thinking…
You know what a QR Code is. And you also know how to create one for your use case. These square-shaped 2D barcodes store alphanumeric information. To create a QR…
Say you own a business website. And your customer base is rich with people coming from different cultures, languages, and traditions. Thus, you need to cater to each individual’s needs….
You probably run or manage a consumer electronics company. It could be to manufacture or sell gadgets such as computers, laptops, smartphones, TVs, tablets, game consoles, speakers, and headphones. You’re…
You know what an auction is. It is a process of buying and selling goods or services by bidding. Once bids are taken, the item is sold to the highest…