Standing even at a good distance from a construction site is enough to give you an idea of how chaotic it gets there. Hoards of workers scattered around the area labour day-in and day-out to finish a construction project.

The bigger the construction site, the more chaotic it is. It’s difficult to keep a tab on the hundreds of employees working on a project. Safety of these employees is also a major concern.

According to 2015-2016 statistics from the UK:

Blu-3 QR Code Helmets-UK Accident Statistics
Source: Labour Force Survey

Blu-3 QR Code Helmets:

A UK based construction company, Blu-3, came up with an idea to handle this—QR Codes on helmets. The company has added a unique QR Code sticker on each worker’s helmet.

Blu-3 QR Code Helmets

The QR Code links to information such as, the worker’s name, emergency contact details, medical history, identification proof, and training history. The initiative ensures both the safety of the worker and quick competency checks.

Also read: QR Codes in Construction: A List of 3 Diverse Use Cases

“This really is a breakthrough solution for ensuring staff are appropriately trained and certified for the roles they carry out on a site.” – Sarah Persad, Lead of the QR Code on Helmets Initiative at Blu-3.

To view the data encoded in the QR Code, people must scan it using the Blu-3 app.

Sarah adds,

“The beauty of the system is that the complete training record of a worker is held alongside their medical and emergency contact details, which is in full compliance with current data protection requirements. This system enables us to ensure that our ‘boots on the ground’ are competent to do the task and we know exactly who is on site, which is particularly critical in today’s security conscious environment.”

Blu-3 plans to extend this system across all its construction sites based in UK and Europe.

What are your views on the Blu-3 QR Code helmets? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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