Say you’re going to apply for a job and are planning on writing a cover letter for the same. It would help you describe your fit for the job, highlight your skills, and mention all the achievements. You’d not like to leave any stone unturned to attract the recruiter’s attention after all.

Thus, it makes sense for you to make your application as impressive as possible, especially if you are applying for a position at a top-notch web design company. But that doesn’t mean packing everything in detail in the application.

In fact, it is recommended to have no more than one page as a part of your application or cover letter.

So the question is—how do you then make your application stand out? Well, you can actually share as much information as you want without cluttering the application. Wondering how?

With the help of QR Codes on job applications. For the uninitiated, a QR Code is a square-shaped 2D barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone.

It can help catch your recruiter’s eyes amongst a pool of other applicants. And that would mean—improving your chances of getting a call.

Keep reading to know why you should add a QR Code on the job application.

A. Why add a QR Code on a job application

Job application on smartphone

Adding a QR Code to the job application not only allows you to share more information but also helps you differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are some features that QR Code on the job application can offer:

1. Attracts recruiter’s attention

A QR Code on your job application can attract a second glance from the hiring manager. It’s not something that they get to see on every application they receive. So when they do see a QR Code, it catches their attention and elicits their likelihood of reacting to it. How? By scanning the QR Code to see the encoded content.

Furthermore, if you are using a custom-designed QR Code, it guarantees 50%-200% more scans than a basic black-and-white one

2. Packs more information in limited space

QR Code requires only a little space to get accommodated. And it can store far more information than the space it occupies. From pages of content, PDFs, and website links to even multimedia content, a QR Code can encode it all.

3. Looks tech-savvy

It is useful for employers who work on cutting-edge technologies and look for candidates with the same passion or awareness. The addition of QR Codes on a job application can make them realize that you are aware of the ever-evolving tech world. This will create a positive impact on the hiring manager

Furthermore, you can track QR Code’s scanning activity. For example, you can get details on which date, city, and the country was the QR Code on your job application scanned.

4. Showcase your best or latest work

You know how important it is to showcase your latest and best work. And QR Codes can help you do it easily. Just link the QR Code to your creative work such as the mobile app you’ve developed, project documents, art designs, or even articles. Employers will only have to do a simple scan to see your portfolio.

In fact, you can keep the QR Code content regularly updated with a dynamic QR Code. It allows you to edit the content encoded without requiring you to create all new QR Code

5. Makes your application actionable

QR Code can make your job application actionable and interactive for the hiring manager. All he has to do is—scan the QR Code via his smartphone and see the encoded content

Now let’s discuss how a QR Code on job applications can be useful.

B. How a QR Code on a job application can be useful

QR Code allows the end-user to easily access the encoded information while giving out a tech-savvy vibe. Here are some of the ways that you can use a QR Code in your job application:

1. Share contact information

You know how important it is to share your contact details with the hiring team. It allows them to easily contact you if they would like to get in touch.

And a VCard QR Code helps you get them to do it right away. How? As the hiring manager scans the QR code, she sees all your contact details such as name, contact number, email, address, profile description, website, and social media handles. Along with these, she sees the option—Save as Contact.

Hence, she can save you as a contact with just a click and contact you. It’s that simple. And the easier the process, the better is the likelihood of the recruiter reaching out to you.

2. Take them to your own app

Say you’ve created an app that is live on Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, or any other app store. And you want the hiring team to see it to be able to get a better glimpse of your hard work.

An App Store QR Code can allow you to do it. It will lead the end-user to your app on the respective app store based on their device’s OS.

3. Direct them to your website

If you are a website developer, it is difficult for you to get your hiring manager to view your project. Why? That’s because he’ll have to open the browser to tediously type the website link to be able to finally visit it.

But a Website URL QR Code makes the entire process smooth and hassle-free for them. When scanned, it will direct the hiring team to your website. No need for any manual intervention.

4. Share important documents

You probably have various important documents that showcase your skills and expertise. It could be articles, certificates, design portfolios, blog links, or PowerPoint presentations.

And it is impossible to add everything to the job application letter. So, better add a Document QR Code to it. Why? It allows you to add various documents and offers an easier way of viewing all of them together.

5. Show your LinkedIn Profile

Today, nothing describes your academic and professional background better than your LinkedIn profile. And hiring managers often like to go through it to understand your fit. That’s because it helps her know about additional details such as references and endorsements. A LinkedIn QR Code can allow you to share it seamlessly with your hiring employer.

6. Show your portfolio

Say you are a graphic designer and rather than simply writing down your skills, you’d like to show your portfolio to the recruiter.

In such cases, an Image QR Code comes in handy. Simply encode your best images to the QR Code, add it to your job application, and write a suitable instruction (also called CTA) with it.

This CTA must tell the recruiter what they need to do. For example, ‘Scan here to see my designs’. It will give them a nudge to take the required action.

C. How to create a QR Code for job application

Now you’ve seen why QR Codes are important and how they are useful on the job application. The next question—how to create one?

1. Decide on the QR Code category

Depending on what you’d want your end-users to see, you’ll have to choose the relevant QR Code category.

For example, if you want to redirect them to your website, you need to select a Website URL QR Code. But if you want to show your important documents, you’d need a Document QR Code.

Once decided on the QR Code category, you’d need to find a suitable QR Code generator. For your convenience, here is a detailed comparison chart of the best QR Code generator available online. You can go through it to make a sound decision.

2. Create a QR Code

Using Scanova for a demo, here’s how you can create a QR Code for the job application:

a. Go to Scanova

b. Select the most relevant QR Code category

QR Code categories
c. Add the content you want to encode in the QR Code and click Continue

d. Name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

e. On the page that loads, you’ll see the image of your QR Code along with the Edit design button. If you click on it, you’ll see two design options to choose from—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design. The custom logo design allows you to add a logo and color to it. On the other hand, custom background design allows you to add an image as QR Code’s background
Choose the design

f. Once you’ve finalized the design, click Download. A window will open prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

g. Now you’ll be asked to specify the QR Code image’s format and size
Image size and format

h. Once you’ve submitted the details, click Export

That’s it. Your QR Code will be created.

It is advisable to add a small statement called ‘call-to-action’ or CTA with your QR Code. CTA helps to nudge your audience to take the required action. It could be anything such as ‘Scan here to visit my website’ or ‘Scan here to view contact details’.

Now you know everything about a QR Code in a job application. You can now create your own QR Code to attract your hiring manager’s attention and boost your chances of conversion.

[cta1 caption=”QR Code for Job Application” content=”Get started with your first QR Code” buttontext=”Create QR Code now” destination=”” image=””]

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