Valentine’s Day, while a special day for people in love, is also a great opportunity to express feelings. Feelings especially in the form of gifts and cards. But it is no surprise that every one (read girls) wants to feel special this day.

How do you make your gift and card special if every dude is doing the same thing? The same heart-shaped box of chocolates and a lame card (with some more hearts).

The word is ‘personalize’. Yes, add personalisation to your lame gifts and cards.

Women want to see that you have invested your time into what you gift her. Buying and gifting doesn’t cut it anymore – except if you are gifting diamonds or something.

So how do you personalize? Make your gifts more meaningful? You can. Using two things—your creativity and QR Codes. That is, personalize gifts using QR Codes.

QR Codes are a good tool for marketing and promotions. But how can I use them to personalise gifts? Keep reading to know how.

For example, for Valentine’s Day in 2015, Tussock Jumper Wines placed a QR Code on the neck of its wine bottles. The gift giver could personalize the gift (Tussock Jumper wine bottle) by adding a video, voice or audio clip, photos, text, or contact details using a specific app. The recipient of the gift could scan the QR Code using the same app and view the personal message.

personalize gift valentines day qr code

In 2013, Doughnut chain Krispy Kreme added a QR Code on its boxes, which allowed buyers to send a e-card to the recipients packaging.

personalize gift valentines day qr code

Here are 4 ways you can recreate similar personalisations by using QR Codes on gifts and cards:

1. Record a video to express yourself

Sometimes you are unable to express your feelings when your partner is before you. You may miss out on a lot of things you wanted to say. But not this time. Impress your partner with a personalized video message.

Here is how to accomplish this:

  1. Record a video using your smartphone or camera
  2. Upload the video file on Youtube (make sure you keep it private)
  3. Add the URL of the video in a Youtube QR Code
  4. Print the QR Code image and paste it on the card or gift label

2. Express your thoughts with a voice message

If you are too shy to make a video or just feeling lazy to dress up, a voice message is another good way of saying what you need to say to your better half this Valentine’s.

Here is how you can achieve this:

  1. Record an audio using your smartphone or a voice recorder
  2. Upload the audio file and create an Audio QR Code
  3. Download and print the QR Code image
  4. Paste the QR Code on the card or gift label

3. Remember good times together with a photo gallery

No matter how technology has improved and made it easy to make videos and audio but personal photos have their own importance.

Photos can help you and your partner relive past memories that were special.

Here are easy steps on how to create an online photo gallery and share it via your gift or card:

Case 1: Single Photo

  1. Create a collage using any photo collage maker or choose the single most important photo that you want to show
  2. Upload this image and create an Image QR Code
  3. Print the QR Code image and paste it on the card or gift label

Case 2: Multiple Photos

  1. Upload photos online in an album (Facebook, Google+, Imgur)
  2. Get the URL for this album and put it in a URL QR Code
  3. Print the QR Code image and paste it on the card or gift label

This way personalize gifts with QR Codes and make your partner awe-struck.

4. Write a personal letter to express yourself

Personalize gifts with QR Codes

Self-written love letters are never out of style and can melt anybody’s heart. No matter how bad you are at writing. After all, it’s the thought that counts.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Write a letter directly in Rich Text QR Code
  2. Generate the QR Code and download it
  3. Print the QR Code image and paste it on the card or gift label

When your partner scans this QR Code, a mobile page with your letter as content will open on the scanning device.

You can be more creative and do much more with QR Codes.

Related : Best QR Code Generator

5. Surprise your loved ones with little gifts

It’s the little things that bring more happiness. And with QR Codes, you can make your loved ones feel special.

For example, you can create a QR Code Scavenger Hunt using Google Map QR Codes. You can keep little gifts at different locations (friend’s houses) and add each location coordinates in a QR Code. Paste the next clue (QR Code) on each gift that she finds.

personalize gifts using QR Codes

Or to make your partner hop with curiosity, you can add clues about the gift in a QR Code. Upon scanning, let your partner figure out what the actual gift is. When she finds the last gift, surprise her with an engagement ring and your heartfelt proposal, making the moment unforgettable and filled with love.

So, this way personalize gifts with QR Codes and make your partner feel most special this Valentine’s day. What are you waiting for? Get started if you don’t want to spend the whole year ‘forever alone’.

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