When a customer makes a purchase, it becomes the seller’s responsibility to delight them. This doesn’t mean treating them well during the purchase but after that too!

And what remains with the customers post-purchase is your product. Hence, it becomes important for sellers to offer customer service and warranties.

They’re a great tool to establish trust between the buyer and the seller. When that happens, your chances of keeping the customers coming back increase. Now that’s what any business owner would want, right?

Why do people scan QR Codes?

While a warranty helps sellers gain customer trust and loyalty, it assures customers of getting value for their money.

So here’s the thing—you want to offer product warranty to your customers too. And you want to do it in a hassle-free way using QR Code technology.

In this article, we’ll discuss how a Warranty QR Code can help make the warranty registration process better.

A. Product warranty: the old way

Warranties have been an important part of sales and marketing for decades. Traditionally, customers had to fill out paper-based forms while making a purchase in-store.

After that, the seller would record the customer’s data for future reference.

Later, when a customer wants to avail of the warranty, the seller would cross-verify their details. Once done, the customer would be given appropriate repairs and replacements for their product.

However, handling data via this method is quite a task. You have to maintain heaps of papers to store the records. In addition, it’s not the most sought-after method for the customers either. Hence, most users have started moving to:

B. Digital warranty: the new way

Many sellers and manufacturers now need customers to register for warranty online. This is done in one of the two ways:

1. Customers make a purchase and then register for a warranty by sending the required details to the seller via email. For example, name, contact details, product name & model, etc.

2. Customers get a warranty registration link. They then type it on the browser to access the registration form and fill it out

These methods are problematic for the users. Why? Because in either case, they have to put in the effort to even access the form before registering. That’s why many sellers and manufacturers have started shifting focus to QR Code technology.

C. QR Code for warranty registration

QR Code technology is known for making the user journey better and smoother. With them, the end-users don’t need to manually type anything to access the desired content.

They just have to launch open their camera and hold it in front of the QR Code. Just that makes the QR Code scan and helps you access the required content.

Here’s how a QR Code works for warranty registration:

1. You buy a product and come home to unpack it
2. Now you see a QR Code that says Scan to Register for Warranty
3. You scan the QR Code and see the registration form
4. Next, you fill out the form and hit Submit

That’s it. Your product gets registered for the warranty. And the manufacturer or seller receives the form response you submitted.

It’s that simple! Isn’t that great?

In fact, other than making warranty registration easier, a QR Code can do a lot more. Here’s how:

D. Additional perks QR Codes offer

1. Customizable design

Why use a black-and-white QR Code when you can make it look attractive? Yes! QR Codes need not be compulsorily black and white just like barcodes.

You can get creative and add colors to them. Not just colors, you can even add a logo or background image to them.

G2 Testimonial of Scanova

By doing this, you can make the QR Code look branded to your business. Customized ones are known for attracting a lot more scans by acting as a point of engagement.

Using Scanova, we achieved 7000+ scans on our first 33 QR Codes. This is awesome considering all we had was just a small number of QRs

Loubna El Wachen, Marketing Coordinator, Equifruit

2. Trackable content

Did you know that you can actually track how your QR Codes perform? Yes, dynamic QR Codes can let you do that. With them, you can see the number of scans, location and time of scans, browsers and handsets used, etc.

In addition, you can even track the end-users’ behavior after scanning the QR Code. For example, out of the total scans, how many clicked the ‘Register Now’ button? We call it Event Tracking.

Scanova's Brand Testimonial Review

3. Multiple content categories

QR Codes have multiple content categories that you can choose from.

Choose QR Code Category Cropped

For example, if you want to add text, you can create a Text QR Code. But to add a web link, you can create a Website URL QR Code. Similarly, to add images, you can create an Image QR Code.

Now that you know all the basics of a warranty QR Code, let’s see how to create one-

E. How to create a QR Code for warranty registration

Scanova.io - QR Code Maker

You’ll need a suitable QR Code generator to proceed. Here, using the Scanova QR Code generator for a demo, you can get started as follows:

1. If you have an existing registration form

If you have a registration form already, you just need to create a Website URL QR Code. On scanning the QR Code, the customers will be taken to the required form. To give you a quick brief, here’s how you can create the QR Code:

1. Go to Scanova’s Website URL QR Code creation page.

2. Add the required link and proceed ahead. On the page that loads you can name the QR Code and move to the next step

3. Next, you can add design to the QR Code (if you’d like to)

Pro Tip: A personalized QR Code is likely to get more scans as compared to its black-and-white counterpart.

4. After finalizing on design or no design, you can proceed to download the QR Code

5. You’ll be prompted to do a quick sign-up (without entering your card details). Once you’re done, you can enter the size and format of the QR Code and download it

To learn more about Website URL QR Code creation, you can go through this detailed guide.

2. To create a form from scratch

Form QR Code, Analytics of dynamic QR Codes. Warranty QR Codes

Here, the QR Code’s lead generation feature will come in handy. It helps you create an in-built form for the QR Code. This is how it works:

1. Go to Scanova and sign up for the free trial

2. Select a relevant QR Code category depending on what you’d want the customers to see after submitting the form. For example, if you want to see the ‘Thank You’ text, create a Text QR Code

3. You can add the content to be seen after users hit the submit button and move ahead

4. Next you can name the QR Code and work on enabling lead generation. It’ll help you add the fields in the registration form too. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it

5. After you’re done with entering the content and designing the form, you can design the QR Code (if needed)

6. Once done, you can download the QR Code

That’s it. To see the form responses acquired, you can log in to your Scanova account and go to the My QR Codes section. From here, you can view analytics and form responses for the QR Code of your choice.

That’s it. If you’re still reading, you’ve learned everything about a QR Code for warranty registration.

It’s a hassle-free way of registering for both customers and sellers alike. While user journey becomes better for customers, data handling becomes better for you. A win-win situation for both.

Scanova is trusted by many big brands like Amazon, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, etc.

F. Security and privacy considerations

Security of QR Codes

Warranty QR Codes offer convenience. But while selecting a suitable QR Code generator, make sure you go for a contender that ensures data safety and privacy. To do that, make sure it follows compliances such as:

I. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
The GDPR is an EU regulation designed to ensure companies handle their data responsibly. A GDPR-compliant provider collects, stores, and uses your data under strict controls and with your full knowledge.

II. SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls)
Think of SOC 2 as a report card for data security. A SOC 2-compliant provider has strong measures in place to keep your data safe. This includes protecting it from unauthorized access, ensuring it’s always available when you need it, and handling it with integrity and confidentiality.

III. ISO 27001 (International Organization for Standardization)
Developed by a global organization, ISO 27001 outlines a framework for managing information security. An ISO 27001-compliant provider takes a systematic approach to safeguarding your data throughout its entire lifecycle. Imagine your data like a treasure chest – ISO 27001 ensures it’s locked tight and protected.

By choosing a QR Code provider with these certifications, you can be confident your data is in good hands.

Looking for a Secure Option?

Scanova, a product of Trycon, sets the bar too high when it comes to privacy. It prioritizes user privacy and adheres to GDPR, SOC 2, and ISO 27001:2013 standards. This can be a secure option for your confidential data-sharing needs.
Read more here:
Trycon’s Data Security & Compliance

Trycon's robust Security compliance

G. Case studies: Successful use of warranty QR Codes

Real life examples of warranty QR Codes, use cases of QR Codes

1. Examples from Leading Companies:

  • Samsung: Samsung seamlessly integrates warranty QR Codes on their product packaging. Scanning the code directs users to a dedicated warranty registration page, simplifying the process and ensuring accurate information is captured.
  • Bosch: Bosch uses QR Codes on their appliances to provide quick access to digital user manuals, troubleshooting guides, and warranty information. This empowers customers to find the information they need readily and reduces the need for paper manuals.

2. Lessons Learned and Best Practices:

  • Focus on user experience: Design the QR Code registration process to be user-friendly and mobile-optimized. Offer clear instructions and guide users through the warranty registration steps.
  • Data analytics: Track QR Code scans and user behavior to gain insights into customer engagement. This data can be valuable for improving the warranty registration process and identifying areas for further optimization.
  • Promote awareness: Educate customers about the benefits of using warranty QR Codes. This can be done through product packaging inserts, website banners, or in-store signage.

By prioritizing security, user experience, and clear communication, warranty QR Codes can become a valuable tool for both businesses and customers, streamlining the warranty process and fostering trust.

H. FAQs on Warranty QR Codes

1. What is a Warranty QR Code?

A Warranty QR Code is a scannable code provided with a product that links directly to its warranty information. By scanning the code with a smartphone, customers can quickly access details about their warranty, register their product, and find support resources.

2. How do I use a Warranty QR Code?

Using a Warranty QR Code is simple. Open the camera or a QR Code scanning app on your smartphone and point it at the code. The phone will recognize the code and prompt you to open a link, where you can access all the relevant warranty information.

3. What are the benefits of using Warranty QR Codes?

Warranty QR Codes make it easier for customers to register their products, access warranty details, and file claims. They streamline the process, reduce paperwork, and enhance the overall customer experience by providing instant access to important information.

4. Are Warranty QR Codes secure?

Yes, Warranty QR Codes are secure, especially when issued by reputable companies. They often link to encrypted websites that require authentication, ensuring that your data is protected. Additionally, many companies comply with regulations like GDPR and standards like ISO 27001 to safeguard your information.

5. Can I register my product warranty online using the QR Code?

Yes, scanning the Warranty QR Code typically directs you to an online form where you can register your product warranty. This process is quick and eliminates the need for mailing physical warranty cards.

6. What if the Warranty QR Code doesn’t work?

If the QR Code doesn’t work, first check that your smartphone’s camera or QR scanning app is functioning correctly. Ensure good lighting and try again. If it still doesn’t work, you can usually find the same information on the company’s website or contact their customer support for assistance.

7. Do all products come with a Warranty QR Code?

Not all products come with a Warranty QR Code, as it depends on the manufacturer. However, more companies are adopting this technology to improve customer convenience and streamline warranty processes.

8. Can I access support through the Warranty QR Code?

Yes, many Warranty QR Codes provide direct links to customer support resources, including FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and contact information for customer service.

9. Is there any cost associated with using Warranty QR Codes?

No, there is no cost to the consumer for using Warranty QR Codes. They are a free and convenient way for manufacturers to provide warranty information and support.

10. How can I ensure that the Warranty QR Code I’m scanning is authentic?

To ensure the authenticity of a Warranty QR Code, scan it only from trusted products and packaging. Authentic QR Codes should direct you to the official website of the manufacturer. If in doubt, contact the company’s customer service to verify.

Still have any queries? Feel free to reach out to us in the comments.

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