Wedding marks the beginning of a new phase of life. And the wedding invitation is your official announcement to your friends and family. So you want to make the most of it.

You want an invitation card that does not only give wedding details to your guests but also catches their eye. So it’s important that you design it the correct way.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create wedding invitations in three simple steps.

1. Decide the card size and printer

Before you start thinking about the wedding card design, finalize two things:

First, what will be the shape and size of cards?

It is important for your wedding invitation design to fit the mold.

create wedding invitations: wedding card size

This ensures that design prints the right way. So, finalize the shape and size before you start designing your cards.

Second, decide where will you get the cards printed?

If you want special design elements such as letterpress and foiling, it’s important that you find the correct printer beforehand. Not every print shop can handle such techniques.

2. Add a theme to your invitation cards

A wedding invitation reflects the personalities of ‘you and your better half’. So pick up a design that suits you the best. For example—

a. If both of you are environment lovers, you can opt for wooden invitations. They don’t harm the environment and carry a beautiful earthly look. Just add a bit of rustic charm and your design will be ready

create wedding invitations: wooden invitation card

b. In case you love technology, you can go with a QR Code wedding invitation. It will make a lot of things easier for your guests such as finding the exact maps location of the venue.

create wedding invitations: QR Code wedding card

c. If you’re passionate travelers, a maps invitation will be the best for you. It has folded origami invitations with all the important details

create wedding invitations: maps invitation card

d. If you’re a calligrapher, you can use your skills to make handmade wedding invitations. Simply add a design such as floral background to complement your beautiful strokes

Calligraphy design

There are many such ways to add design to your wedding invitations. After you finalize the theme, move to the next step

3. Finalize the elements

In this article, we’ll focus on two elements of an invitation card:

a. Wedding invitation text

Picking up the right set of words and font is important while you create wedding invitations.

Use words that make sense and convey all the important details to your guests. And select a font that complements the words.

If you’re hosting a theme wedding, you can add novelty fonts to the invitation.

create wedding invitations: card font

And always try to stay away from marker-pen fonts that look great but make your design look like a flyer.

Start with the names of those who are hosting the event (such as Bride’s parents).

Next, add the request line. Be very clear whether guests are invited to the wedding ceremony or only the reception.

Further, add the Bride and Groom line. Ideally, the two names should be set off on separate lines.

Next, you can add details such as wedding date, time, and venue. And An RSVP line.

Or you can simply add a Wedding Invitation QR Code that will do all of this.

create wedding invitations: QR Code wedding card

b. A Wedding QR Code

A Wedding Invitation QR Code helps you share even those things which you cannot print on your invitation cards. And it helps your guests too. Here’s how:

i. Helps you share the exact Google maps location of the wedding venue. Your guests can simply scan the QR Code and find the location. You don’t need to design and print location map on the cards

ii. Allows you to share your couple journey photos and videos that cannot be printed on each card

iii. Helps your guests mark the event on their calendars. They’ll definitely attend your wedding, but a tiny reminder won’t hurt, right?

iv. Makes it easy for your guests to RSVP. All that they need to do is—scan the QR Code, and respond if they’ll attend the wedding or not. You’ll get an email notification for each response

Here’s what your guests will see after scanning the QR Code.

That’s it. Once you add all the important elements, your customized wedding cards will be ready.

That’s all you need to know before you create wedding invitations.

A well-designed invitation makes people behold it even after the wedding.

Still have any queries? Let us know in the comments.