You probably have heard about NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens for digital assets and help establish proof of their ownership.

NFTs have been the talk of the town for quite some time now. And it makes sense. That’s because they help trace the ownership of digital assets—which has been quite a challenge until now.

Hence, businesses, especially event organizers, are starting to leverage NFTs to make their tickets or passes safe on the internet. They do so to prevent ticket scalping.

For the uninitiated, ticket scalping is hoarding the tickets and selling them later at an increased price. This may range anywhere from 80% to 100% increase.

According to Forbes, scalping led to a $15.19 billion loss for the ticketing industry in 2020. Hence, many artists and event organizers earn a much smaller amount than they deserve.

Also, it’s not just the artists and the organizers who suffer but the fans too. That’s because they have to pay a hefty price for each ticket bought from unauthorized sellers.

So, if you are planning on organizing an event, you’d want to avoid this. And to do that, you can leverage both NFT and QR Code technology.

In this article, we’ll explain how NFTs can protect your tickets. And how QR Codes can make this process pretty simple.

A. How does NFT Ticketing with QR Codes work?

NFT ticketing is a new and secure way of selling tickets. It involves creating an NFT and attaching it to tickets.

As mentioned above, NFTs help establish proof of ownership. But do you know how they do that?

Well, NFTs prove ownership via blockchain. The blockchain technology helps you to see who the creator is, when was the asset minted, and the quantity.

This means even if someone uses the same ticket, the blockchain data will reflect that.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

Hence, unauthorized sellers will no longer be able to sell the tickets illegally.

So if you’re planning to create NFT tickets, you’d have to share them with your target audience. And to do that, you’ll need the sharable link to your NFT.

When you share it, your audience will have to open their phone’s browser to tediously type the link. Only after having done that, they’ll be able to see the tickets. Now, this is a long process.

And if you want an easier way to help people access it, then you can leverage QR Codes.

You might have used QR Codes already. They store information and help the end-users access it with a simple scan.

With QR Codes, you can securely share your NFTs with anyone you want. Here’s how you can do it:

  • You get the shareable link to your NFT
  • Using the link, you create a Website URL QR Code
  • You share this QR Code with your audience
  • End-users can scan the QR Code to see the secured NFT tickets
  • This way, guests get access to the event

Hence, NFTs can enhance the security of the ticketing industry.

B. Benefits of a QR Code

Apart from sharing NFT tickets, QR Codes have many other benefits. Here are some of them:

1. Edit anytime-anywhere!

Say you have created a QR Code for one of your NFT tickets. After some time, you want to change the encoded link to one of your other tickets.

A Dynamic QR Code can help you do it. It allows you to edit the content stored in the QR Code without having to create one from scratch. Isn’t that amazing?

2. See how your audience behave

A dynamic QR Code can also help track your QR Code’s scanning activity. This includes data such as

  • How many people have scanned the QR Code
  • Where did they scan it
  • When did they scan it
  • Which browser do they use to scan it
  • What operating system does the scanning device work on

This data is especially helpful if you want to track the sale of your tickets. It will give you valuable insights to help plan your future promotions accordingly.

Here’s a fun fact—some QR Codes also help you track how your audience interacts with the content after scanning the QR Code..

3. Make your QR Code look lively

Did you know your QR Codes can look quite different compared to barcodes? That means you can customize QR Code’s design as per your event and company colors. This will make your QR Code a point of engagement to attract more scans.

You can do it by adding a logo and color or a background image to it.

Custom QR Codes

And you don’t even need to hire a graphic designer to do the job. A professional QR Code generator will help you do it in no time.

4. High-speed Scannability

QR Codes are known for their high-speed scannability. They come alive within seconds of holding your camera in front of them. This makes the user experience faster and better.

5. Resist damage

Did you know that the generic barcodes don’t scan after they’re damaged?

Well, the same does not hold true for QR Codes. That’s because they have error correction capabilities. It ensures that even after being damaged, distorted, or dirty, your QR Code scans well.

There are four possible levels of error correction:

  • L–7% error correction
  • M–15% error correction
  • Q–25% error correction
  • H–30% error correction

Depending upon how rough environment you are expect, you can change the error correction level.

C. How to create a QR Code for NFT ticketing

Now you know why it makes sense to use NFT ticketing with QR Codes. Next question is—how to create one?

1. Find the NFT Ticketing system

Depending on whether you have created your tickets or not, here are two ways you can get started:

a. Create tickets from the scratch

If you have not created ticket yets, then you can create tickets and NFT together. To do it, you need an NFT ticketing system.

As per our research, GET Protocol platform seems promising. It’s one of the most secure and useful digital ticketing suppliers.

Event organizers or ticket sellers can use this program to create tickets for their events. Once done, you can copy the link to NFT tickets and head on to your QR Code generator.

And if you want to use a tool that helps you create secure tickets, there is this tool called Ticket Generator. You can check it out for better event security and management.

b. For existing tickets

However, if you have created tickets beforehand, then you only need to create NFTs for them.

And there are various NFT service providers available online such as Fotor.

2. Find a QR Code generator

Once you have found the NFT ticketing system, you’d need a QR Code generator that allows you to create a Website URL QR Code. You can head on to any search engine and type the query. It would fetch you many options to choose from.

But going through all the search results to find the best one is a tedious process. For your convenience, here is a detailed comparison of the best QR Code generator. This will help you make a sound decision quickly.

3. Create a QR Code

Using Scanova for demo purposes, here’s how you can create one:

a. Go to Scanova
b. Select the Website URL QR Code category

QR Code categories

c. Enter the secure sharing URL of the other NFT hosting platform

d. Once done, click Continue

e. Now, name the QR Code and click Create QR Code. On the page that loads, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code on the right side. Below it, you’ll see the Edit Design option

f. If you click on the Edit Design option, you’ll see two design options to choose from—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design

Custom logo design: It allows you to add a logo in the center and colors to the QR Code. The logo can be an image or text.

Custom background design: It helps you place your QR Code on an image.

g. Once you’ve decided on the design, Update it and click Download. A window will open prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

Note that no credit card information is required to sign-up.

8. Now you’ll be asked to specify the QR Code image’s size and dimensions. Once you submit the details, click Export

Image size and format

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded and ready for use. It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before putting it out for your customers.

That is all you need to know about NFT ticketing with QR Codes. You can now go ahead to create your own NFT Ticket QR Code to eliminate ticket scalping and ensure a secure event.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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