You know what a QR Code is. It is a square-shaped barcode that encodes information. It could be text, numbers, or even a website link.

Unlike barcodes that store limited characters, QR Codes can store many of them. Also, QR Codes don’t need a handheld scanner to be scanned. All that you need is—a smartphone with a camera.

Yes, most smartphones now have an in-built QR Code scanning feature in their stock camera application. And the ones that don’t have it can install a third-party scanning app on their phones.

Due to such factors, QR Codes are now being used for diverse purposes. Some of these include inventory management, payments, and promotions.

Hence, many industries, such as consultingpharmacies, and even education, use them.

You also want to use QR Codes for a use case. To do that, you need to create them first. You need a QR Code Generator for this.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about a QR Code Generator:

A. What is a QR Code Generator
B. Types of QR Code Generators
C. How to use a QR Code Generator
D. How to choose a QR Code Generator

A. What is a QR Code Generator

What is a QR Code generator

A QR Code generator is an online software that allows users to create QR Codes by entering desired information. And download them in different formats—PNG, JPG, SVG, and EPS.

But before you go ahead and learn how to generate a QR Code, make sure you know what content you want to encode in it.

It could be text, numbers, website links, images, or even a video. Depending on this information, you can create a Text QR Code, a Website URL QR Code, an Image QR Code, and a lot more. You can choose from more than 24 types of QR Code categories.

Once you know what QR Code category you need, you can go ahead to find a suitable QR Code generator.

Let’s discuss it in detail.

B. Types of QR Code Generators

1. Based on functionality

I. Online QR Code Generators 

These web-based platforms allow you to create QR codes directly through a browser. They offer various features, customization options, and pricing plans. 

II. Offline QR Code Generators

You install These software applications on your computer to create QR codes. They are typically used for offline or bulk QR code generation.

III. API-Based QR Code Generators

These platforms provide QR code generation capabilities through an API, allowing integration into other software applications.

2. Based on pricing: Free vs paid QR Code generators

Types of QR Code builders_ Free vs. paid options

I. Free QR Code Generators 

These generators offer basic QR code creation without any cost. However, they often have limitations in terms of features, customization options, and analytics.

Read more here: Free QR Code generators

II. Paid QR Code Generators 

These generators offer advanced features, customization options, analytics, and support for a fee. They are suitable for businesses and individuals with more complex QR code needs.

3. Based on features

I. Basic QR Code Generators

Basic QR Code Generators allow users to create Static QR Codes. These QR Codes have content (text, URL, etc.) encoded into the QR Codes (just like a barcode).

For the uninitiated, a Static QR Code is permanent and non-trackable. That means once you create it, you cannot edit it. If you need to do it, you will have to create a new QR Code.

In addition, you cannot track the scanning activity of a static QR Code. So, static QR Codes have limited functionality.

So many basic QR Code generators are usually freely available. Another major concern here is that these tools usually show advertisements that hinder the user experience.

II. Advanced QR Code Generators

Most marketers typically opt for advanced QR Code Generators. Why? Because they are loaded with useful features. For example:

i. Editing Content

Advanced best QR Code generator allows users to create Dynamic QR Codes. Not sure what it means?

Dynamic QR Codes, unlike static ones, are both editable and trackable.

You can edit the content encoded in a dynamic QR Code anytime you want. 

Here’s how it works—say you create a Website URL QR Code that takes users to your website. But a month later, you want it to take them to your blog. Or you want to use this QR Code for another campaign to boost app downloads.

Here, a dynamic QR Code will help you do it easily. It allows you to edit the encoded content, such as the website URL. Moreover, it also allows you to change the Website URL QR Code to the App Store QR Code. That means better and wider flexibility.

Related: QR Code For App Link

ii. Tracking QR Codes

We just talked about the dynamic QR Code’s tracking feature. Let’s discuss it in detail.

The tracking feature allows users to track scanning activity based on various parameters. For example—scans by date, time, geography, device (smartphone, tablet), and operating system (iOS, Android, Windows).

As a serious marketer, you know how important these details are. They help you understand your target audience better. And plan your future campaigns accordingly to get better results in the future.

In addition, you can also gain valuable insights into how your audience reacts to the encoded content after scanning the QR Code. It can be anything, such as a button for registration or signing up.

Hence, we can say that these tracking analytics help marketers measure engagement in their marketing campaigns.

what is a qr code generator
iii. Designer QR Code

This feature allows you to customize your QR Code by adding colors and logos to it. And you know how important it is for branding, right?

A black-and-white QR Code looks like some barcode for official purposes. And you’d not want people to perceive it as such if your use case is marketing.

Here, you’d want your QR Code to act as a point of engagement to attract as many scans as possible. The custom-designing feature helps you do it by adding a design to your QR Code.

Also, it is a fact that customized QR Codes attract 50%-200% more scans than black-and-white ones.

Different design options available for QR Codes customization and personalizations; basic black and white QR Codes; Designer QR codes with logos and colors; QR Code with templates; QR Codes with frame; QR code with dots
iv. Create Landing Pages

If you have a website, you can easily create a QR Code to take people to webpages with relevant information. But what if you don’t have a website?

In such cases, you can still create a QR Code to take people to a landing page with the desired information. It could be information about a product, an event, or offers pages. Wondering—how is it possible?

Well, some advanced QR Code generators allow you to create mobile-optimized web pages called landing pages.

For example—a Rich Text QR Code allows you to add and customize as much text and images as you want. An Event QR Code that helps you share desired event information (such as date and time, venue, and location of event). It also helps people RSVP easily.

v. Password-protection

Advanced QR Code generators also offer password protection. This means end-users must enter the password to see the encoded details when they scan the QR Code.

This feature is especially useful if you want to share confidential information via QR Codes.

vi. Export QR Code in vector formats

QR Codes are most often added to print media. However, most QR Code generators only offer QR Code images in raster formats such as PNG or JPG. They work fine if used for web resolutions.

However, raster formats don’t work well if you need to print a large image of your QR Code, say on a billboard.

You’ll rather need a high-resolution QR Code image in vector format—SVG, EPS, PS, or PDF. These images are not pixelated, no matter how much you zoom in. And that’s important for your QR Codes to remain scannable.

vii. Create QR Codes in bulk

You cannot use a normal QR Code generator if you need multiple QR Codes. It could be hundreds or even thousands of them.

Creating them one by one will take a lot of time and effort.

This is where a Bulk QR Code Generator comes into the picture. It helps you create hundreds and thousands of QR Codes together. Hence saving you a lot of time.

C. How to use a QR Code Generator

Now that we know what a QR Code generator is and its types, the next step is learning how to use it.

This step depends on the type of QR Code you wish to create. Let’s assume you want to make a QR Code to share a PDF file.

For this example, I’m using the Scanova QR Code generator.

To create a Document QR Code, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Scanova, and from the options, choose Document QR Code.

QR Code Category

2. On the page that loads, click Upload File and upload the PDF that you want to encode into your QR Code

3. Once done, click on Continue.

4. Next, you will see the option to name your QR Code. Note that it is a dynamic QR Code, which means you can edit it anytime and even track its scanning activity

This is unlike a basic static QR Code that cannot be edited once created.

5. Once you add a suitable name, click on Create QR Code

6. Now, on the page you land, you will be able to see QR Code details

Under the QR Code image, you can see the Edit Design option. You can use it to customize your QR Code. Once you click on it, you’ll see two QR Code design options:

Choose QR Code design type

Custom logo design: With this option, you can add a logo to the center and change the color and pattern of the QR Code’s eyes and data modules. It also allows you to superimpose your QR Code on a background image.

AI-Generated Design: You can use this option to experiment with AI-generated designs for your QR Codes.  

7. Once you’ve finalized the QR Code design, Update it and proceed to click on the Download

8. Next, a window will pop up, prompting you to sign up for a 14-day free trial. Once you do it, you’ll also be able to assign tags to your QR Code to be able to search it in the future

9. Next, you can proceed to Download your QR Code. Specify the size and format of the QR Code image to be downloaded. Once you do it, click on Export 

Download QR Code export options offered by Scanova

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded.

To learn how to add advanced features to your QR Code, read: How to use a QR Code Generator.

D. How to choose a QR Code Generator

You now know what you want to create a QR Code for and what features you’d need. So, the next step is to find a suitable QR Code generator.

A simple Google search will show a long list of online QR Code generators. But how do you know which one suits your requirements the best?

The answer is—by comparing them, right? But opening each link to compare all the results will be a tough and tedious job.

Don’t worry. You don’t really need to do that. We have compiled detailed comparison charts for the best online QR Code generators.

You can go through this comparative analysis if you’re looking for a bulk generation service. And if you’re looking forward to creating QR Codes individually, here’s the comparison chart.

Also, if you need many QR Codes (say in thousands and millions), you can use the QR Code API and QR Code SDK services. They help you generate large volumes of QR Codes together. And even integrate QR Code generation with your own information system.

Congratulations! You now know everything there is to know about QR Code generators that can help you create the perfect QR Code.

E. Why should you choose Scanova as your best QR Code generator?


Scanova, for several meaty reasons, has grown to become one of the most competitive QR code generators available today. These include:

1. User-friendliness

Easy to use with an intuitive interface, Scanova creates QR codes for all users with any technical background.

Easy-to-follow steps on the platform explain the working procedure for creating QR codes efficiently.

2. Kaleidoscope of choices

Design Flexibility: Offers a broad scope of personalization options so that the QR code can be fitted perfectly into your brand identities, like color and shape manipulation and adding a logo or frame.

AI-Powered Design: You can make eye-catching QR codes without extensive design expertise with AI-powered design tools from Scanova.

3. More advanced features and analytics

Dynamic QR Codes: It allows one to generate dynamic QR codes that can be updated for new information without regenerating the code.

G2 Testimonial of Scanova

In-depth Analytics: Get real insights into the performance of QR codes, like the number of scans, location data, and user demographics.

Lead Generation: Capture and integrate leads with any CRM for efficient lead management.

Scanova's Brand Testimonial Review

4. Security and compliance

Data Protection: At Scanova, we take the security and privacy of your data very seriously by following industry standards like GDPR and SOC2.

ISO 27001:2013 Certification: This standard is a testament that Scanova is serious regarding information security management.

Trycon's robust Security compliance

5. Robust customer support

Dedicated Support Team: Scanova has reliable customer support to help users with queries or problems.

Quick Response Times: Users can get timely and practical solutions.

6. Cost-effectiveness

Competitive Pricing: Scanova delivers competitive pricing plans that fit different wallets and needs.


$108 Billed Annually
  • Create upto 5 QR Codes
  • Unlimited Scans
  • No Ads
  • Dynamic/Editable QR Codes
  • Static/Direct QR Codes
  • Custom-designed QR Codes
  • Mobile Landing Pages
  • Export - PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, EPS
  • Basic Analytics
  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Choose Plan


$420 Billed Annually
  • Create upto 25 QR Codes
  • All Lite Features
  • Custom Dynamic URL Hash
  • Password Protected Codes
  • Age Restricted QR Codes
  • Save QR Code Design Templates
  • Full Analytics
  • Export Analytics
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Lead Generation
Choose Plan


$900 Billed Annually
  • Create upto 250 QR Codes
  • All Standard Features
  • 1 Custom Domain
  • Auto-deactivate QR Codes
  • White-labeled Mobile Landing Pages
  • White-labeled Lead Generation
  • Exact GPS Location of Scans
  • Event/Click Tracking
  • Analytics Webhooks Integration
  • Add upto 5 users
Choose Plan

Free QR Code Generator: Scanova offers a free version with core features if one wants to use the platform before purchasing an upgrade to one of the paid plans.

Scanova's free QR Code generator tool online interface

7. Various application cases

QR Code Types: With it, you have as many as 24 different types of QR codes that you need, from meeting varied business and personal requirements.

Choose QR Code Category Cropped

Industry-Specific Solutions: These are such that find applications in restaurant businesses, retail, real estate, education, and others.

In essence, ease of use, rich features, and highly secure and responsive customer support make up a bundle that places Scanova at the top of the best QR code generators for individuals and businesses. 

Scanova is trusted by many big brands like Amazon, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, etc.

F. FAQs: What is a QR Code Generator? 

1. What is a QR code generator? 

Imagine you’re trying to share a long website link but don’t want to write it all out. You may want to share your contact info quickly. That’s where a QR code generator comes in! It’s like a magic tool that turns boring information into a scannable square.

2. How does a QR Code generator work? 

You simply type in the information you want to share (like a website, phone number, or even a video), and the generator will create a special square code for you. People can then scan this code using their phone’s camera and instantly access the information. Pretty cool.

3. Why would I need a QR Code generator? 

Well, QR codes are super handy! You can use them for:

  • Sharing your business website
  • Giving someone your contact info
  • Promoting a product or service
  • Sharing social media profiles
  • And much more!

4. Is it hard to use a QR code generator? 

Not at all! Most generators are super easy to use and don’t require any tech skills. Just input your information and let the generator do the work.

5. Can I customize my QR code? 

Absolutely! Many generators let you change the color and shape and even add a logo to your QR code to match your brand.

6. Do I need to pay for a QR code generator? 

Nope, there are plenty of free options available online. But if you need advanced features like tracking or analytics, consider a paid generator.

Do you have any other questions about QR code generators? Feel free to ask in the comments!