If you are looking to get your target audience to like your Facebook page or get them to add you as a friend, then a Facebook QR Code is what you need.

A Facebook QR Code, when scanned, will lead a user to your Facebook fan page or profile. Users can then like the page, comment on a post, or add you as a friend.

Or you can also create a social media QR Code that redirects users to a page having links to all your social media profiles.

In this article, we’ll focus on Facebook QR Code.

A. Facebook QR Code

As mentioned above, Facebook QR Code, when scanned, redirects the end-user to your Facebook page or profile. And the main purpose of QR Code here is to make it easier for users to take an action just like a Video QR Code or any other type of QR Code.

facebook qr code

Note that Facebook does not allow automatic liking of a page just by scanning a QR Code. The user has to manually click on the Like button to confirm his/her intention to Follow the page.

You can use this QR Code in your print media promotions if you are looking to increase your social media following. This is particularly useful if you are a small local business or if you sell/promote actively using your Facebook fan page.

Its most interesting use case is a 42-foot wide QR Code on the roof, which was visible from space. It was part of an amazing project called “Space Hackathon”. Its aim was to decorate Facebook’s massive new headquarters in Menlo Park, San Francisco.

Upon scanning this QR Code, end users are redirected to the FB QR Code Page on Facebook. 

qr code in space

For more interesting use cases of QR Codes in space, refer to this guide.

B. Benefits of Facebook QR Code

1. Customizable

Facebook QR Codes can be customized as per your wish. You can do it by adding colors and logos or adding background images to them. Besides this, you can also customize the pattern of the QR Code’s eyes and data modules.

2. Trackable

If you choose to create a dynamic QR Code, your Facebook QR Codes can be made trackable. That means you can monitor their entire scanning activity. For example, how many people have scanned the QR Code, from where they’ve done it, and when they’ve done it.

In addition to this, this feature would also help you with event tracking. That means it will give you information about how end-users interact with the encoded content once they scan the QR Code. It could be a button to your Facebook page or profile.

3. Editable

Say you have created a QR Code for your Facebook page and after some time, you want to change it to your Facebook profile. This is where a Dynamic QR Code can help you out. It allows you to edit the encoded URL anytime you want without the need to recreate it.

4. High-speed Scannability

QR Codes have a high-speed scannability. They come alive within seconds of holding your camera in front of them. This makes the user experience faster and better.

5. Error correction

QR Codes have the feature of error correction. It ensures that even after being damaged, distorted, or dirty, QR Codes scan well.

C. Possible use cases of Facebook QR Code

1. Promotion of event pages

Facebook is one of the best platforms to promote your event and create a buzz around it. And if you’re planning on organizing an event anytime soon, you’d like to make the best use of it.

And Facebook QR Code can help you make the promotions a success. How?

Create a Facebook QR Code and place it on your promotional creatives. Your audience will be able to scan it and visit your page in no time. No need for them to tediously type your Facebook handle to find you online. Quite easy, right?

2. Enhance your Facebook followership

If you have a Facebook page or profile, you’d like the relevant audience to follow you online. Many businesses and freelancers uses Facebook marketing techniques like scheduling posts on Facebook, organizing live events, etc to keep their audience updated with their work and offerings.

And again, Facebook QR Code can make it even easier for them to follow you online. All they need to do is—scan the QR Code and hit the Follow button.

You can then add this QR Code to your store premises, invoices, handbags, product packaging, etc. Just remember to add an appropriate call-to-action statement with it. For example, Scan here to follow us on Facebook.

D. How to create a Facebook QR Code

Now you know why it makes sense to use Facebook QR Code. Here’s the next big question—how to create one?

1. Find a QR Code generator

You’d need a QR Code generator that allows you to create a Facebook QR Code. A simple Google search will fetch you many options to choose from.

But you have compared each and every result to find the best one. For your convenience, here is a detailed comparison of the best QR Code generator available online. You can go through it to find the best one for yourself quickly.

2. Create a QR Code

Using the Scanova QR Code generator, here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create a Facebook QR Code:

a. Go to Scanova and click on Create QR Code

b. From the QR Code categories, select the Website URL QR Code or Social Media QR Code

QR Code categories

c. Now paste the Facebook link in the respective field and click Continue

d. On the page that loads, enter a name for your QR Code and click on Create QR Code

e. Next, you will see details such as QR Code name, type, and category. On the same page, you will see a preview of the QR Code on the right with the Edit Design option

f. If you click Edit Design, you will see two design options to choose from—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design. The custom logo design allows you to add a logo and colors to the QR Code. On the other hand, the custom background QR Code helps you place an image on it

Choose the design

g. Once you’re done designing the QR Code, click Download. You’ll be prompted to sign-up for a 14-day free trial

h. After you sign-up, you can proceed to download the QR Code. You’ll be asked to specify the size and format of the image to be downloaded. Specify these details and click Export

Image size and format

That’s it. Your Facebook QR Code will be downloaded and ready for use.

E. How to edit the QR Code content

Since you know Facebook QR Code is a dynamic QR Code, here is how you can edit its encoded content:

1. Login to your Scanova account

2. From the dashboard, go to My QR Codes

My QR Codes

3. Go to the QR Code you wish to make changes to and click on the View/Edit icon against it

4. On the page that loads, head on to the content section and click View/Edit

5. Make the required changes

6. Once you’re done, click Apply

That’s it. Your Facebook QR Code will be updated.

F. Best Practices

Here are some of the best practices that you must know regarding Facebook QR Codes:

1. Add an appropriate CTA

CTA translates to a ‘Call-to-action’ statement. It is a small instruction that tells the users what they need to do. And this kind of small text nudges them to take the required action.

It could be anything such as ‘Scan here to follow me’ or ‘Scan here to visit our Facebook page’.

2. Add a design to the QR Code

If you are planning to use QR Codes for promotions, you should consider adding design to them. That’s because they are visually more appealing and can help attract the audience’s attention.

As matter of fact, custom QR Codes attract 50%-200% more scans than the generic black-and-white ones.

3. Test scan the QR Code

It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before putting them out for your target audience.

4. Choose an optimal printing format

To use the QR Code on print media creatives, it’s recommended to download it in high-resolution vector formats such as SVG, EPS, and PDF. These formats ensure that the Facebook QR Code doesn’t get pixelated no matter you zoom in or zoom out.

That’s it. That is all you need to know about the Facebook QR Code. You can create your own Facebook QR Code to boost your social media presence and ensure a hassle-free user experience.

Also, learn how to create a Facebook Messenger QR Code to get people to connect to you.

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