You know what QR Codes are. They are just like barcodes and store information. But they go a step ahead of barcodes to store much more data in a smaller space.

This is why QR Codes are also called advanced barcodes. From payments at the bill desks to sharing multimedia, QR Codes are being used for diverse use cases across industries. Hence, they have picked up popularity these days.

And all that people need to scan a QR Code is—a camera-enabled smartphone. And that’s it. Scanning a QR Code is as easy as clicking a picture.

Recently, QR Codes have started making an impact in the field of agriculture. People are using it for different purposes such as tracing the place of origin and processing of agricultural products. 

Plus, some sellers use them to provide nutritional information about the crop and even some recipes.

Further in this article, we’ll talk in detail about the utility of QR Codes for marketing in the agricultural sector.

A. How QR Codes are useful for agricultural marketing

As discussed already, QR Codes can help you share a wide array of information. They have a room for every use case. And here ‘s how QR Codes can help you for agriculture marketing:

1. Provide product information

You know how important it is to provide complete product information for end consumers. It could be for vegetables, wheat, rice, or any other crop. 

That’s because consumers today want to know everything about what they buy. For example, the place of origin of the crop, the type of seeds, fertilizers used, GMO details, etc.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

And a Product QR Code can help you share all these details easily.. It allows you to add as many details as you want including product description, images, videos, weblinks, and even social sharing buttons. 

This QR Code can be added to the final product packaging. When consumers scan it, they’ll be able to see all the required details in the form of a landing page on their phones. Easy, right?

2. Drive web traffic or social media following 

Say you own a website for your agricultural products. And you want people to visit your website.  

It could be to relay information, give a tour of your business, or even generate sales.

Here’s the deal—you can give your website’s link to the end-users for them to visit. But will they do it? They’ll have to pull out their smartphones to tediously type the web link in the browser.

To be honest, while some of them may do it, the clothes won’t. Why? Because it’s a long process and needs both time and effort.

And to make it easier, a Website URL QR Code can help you out.

Here, your target audience will simply have to scan it to visit your website. No need for them to manually type the web link. The easier the process, the better the engagement rate.

Similarly, a Social Media QR Code can help you increase your following on social media. When scanned, people will see a landing page with buttons linking to all your social media accounts. They can then select their favorite one to follow you online.

3. Engage using Videos

Just textual content is no longer enough to engage the audience. People today greatly prefer multimedia content (such as images and videos). So why not leverage the same?

You can create videos to give a virtual tour of your farm, tutorials for beginners, or various tips and tricks for the buyers.

And to share these videos, QR Codes have got your back. You can create a Video QR Code in two ways.

First, if the video is already uploaded on a cloud storage service (such as Google Drive or Amazon S3), copy its link. Then head on to create a Website URL QR Code.

Second, you can create a Custom Page QR Code and upload the video to it.

In both cases, when people scan the QR Code, they’ll see the video on their device. Simple

4. Help people know your farm’s exact location

Does your use case need you to share the farm’s location with people?

Then ditch the age-old way of simply sharing the address.

That’s because people will have to locate it on their phone’s maps application or ask others for directions. You can rather use a Google Maps QR Code. How?

When scanned, it takes the end-users to see the encoded location on their phone’s maps application. No manual effort is needed for anyone to manually locate your business or ask for directions.

6. Easily share your contact details

You know how important it is to share your contact details with your potential customers. After all, that’s how they can contact you whenever they require your products.

And a VCard QR Code helps you to do it. How? Just place it on your promotional material or business cards. As people scan it, they’ll see all your contact details. For example, your name, contact number, email, address, website, and even your social media handles. Along with these, they also see the option—Save as Contact.

That means they can save you as a contact with a single click. That’s it. No need for them to manually type your details to add you as a contact. Convenient, right?

7.  Digital mobile-optimized landing page

Say you don’t have your own website to showcase your products or crops. But you don’t want that to stop you from sharing digital content with your audience.

So, to help you out, you can create a Rich Text QR Code. As end-users scan it, it will display a customized landing page with descriptions, images, buttons, etc. And the best part is that you don’t need to hire a developer to get the job done. You can do it yourself in minutes.

B. Benefits of using QR Codes

QR Codes offer various benefits while optimizing your agriculture marketing. Here are some of them:

1. Editable content

Say you created a QR Code to redirect your customers to a video for your product. And after some time, you’ve made some changes to your product and need to put the new video out. 

You’ll not have to create an all-new QR Code for that. This is where dynamic QR Codes come into the picture. They allow you to edit the encoded content anytime you want without the need to create a new QR Code each time.

2. Scan tracking

Tracking campaign performance is important for any marketer. And with QR Codes you can track details such as:

  • How many people have scanned the QR Code
  • Where did they scan it
  • When did they scan it
  • Which device did they use to scan it
  • Which browser did they use to scan it

All this data can help you better optimize your print promotions.

3. Event Tracking

As a marketer, you must know how your audience interacts with the content after scanning the QR Code. And event tracking can help you do it. For example, do your users hit the Visit Website button after they scan the QR Code or not.

It’ll help you fine-tune your campaigns for better performance.

4. Custom design

If you are planning to use QR Codes for promotions, consider adding design to them. Branded QR Codes not only look visually appealing but also build your brand’s reputation. 

custom qr code

Here, you can do it by adding a logo and colors or a background image to it.

5. Error Correction

Error correction feature ensures that QR Codes remain scannable irrespective of damage, dirt, or distortion by up to 30%.

C. How to create a QR Code for agriculture marketing

Now you know how QR Codes are useful for agriculture marketing. The next question—how to create one?

1. Decide on your QR Code category

You need to select the right QR Code category depending on what you’d want your end-users to see.

For example, if you’d want to redirect them to your website, you’d need to create a Website URL QR Code. But to provide complete product information, you’d have to create a Product QR Code.

Once you have decided on the QR Code category, you can head on to your chosen QR Code generator. In case you haven’t chosen one, here is a detailed comparison chart on the best QR Code generator available online. You can go through it to make a sound decision.  

2. Create a QR Code

Using the Scanova QR Code generator for a demo, here is how you can create QR Codes for agriculture marketing: 

1. Go to Scanova 

2. Select the most relevant QR Code category

QR Code categories

3. On the page that loads, add the content you want to encode in the QR Code and click Continue

4. Name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

5. Now, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code on the right. Under it, you’ll see the Edit design button. If you click on it, you’ll see two design options—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design

Custom logo design allows you to add your business’s logo and colors to the QR Code. On the other hand, custom background design helps you place your QR Code on any image.

6. Once you’ve decided on design or no design, Update the changes and click Download. A window will open, prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

7. Now, you’ll be asked to specify the QR Code image’s format and size

Image size and format

8. Specify these details and click on Export

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded. It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before putting it out to the target audience.

That is all you need to know about how QR Codes can be used for agriculture marketing. You can now create your own QR Code to attract customers’ attention and boost your business.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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