QR Codes are an amazing tool to create effective interactive experiences. These barcode-like structures have become immensely popular across the globe and the reason is justified.

They help bridge the gap between the digital and physical world with a simple scan. And scanning a QR Code is as easy as clicking a picture with your phone. Also, due to their contactless nature, they help make many operations safe amidst the pandemic.

Hence, though QR Codes have been around since 1994, their adoption has increased tremendously now.

From marketing and logistics to healthcare and textiles, they are everywhere. And in case you’re wondering why that’s because they help digitize both promotions and operations.

So you want to use them too. And you’re planning to use these QR Codes on display screens.

In this article, we will discuss nine ways how QR Codes can be used on display screens for various use cases.

A. How QR Codes can be used on display screens

1. To get people to visit you online

Almost every business, big or small, has a website today. It could be to help their audience learn about business services, make a purchase, raise a query, etc.

And if you have a website too, you’d definitely want people to visit it. This is one of the most common goals behind using QR Codes on display screens.

A Website URL QR Code can help people visit your website in seconds. No need for them to type the website link in their phone’s browser tediously. All they need to do is scan the QR Code and land on your website.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

Since the user journey becomes simpler, the engagement rate of your campaign improves too!

2. Share images and videos

Many marketers share images and videos to announce the launch of a new business, movie trailer, etc. And QR Codes make it even better.

An Image QR Code helps you share images, infographics, and GIFs with your audience. A single QR Code can store up to 20 such files. On being scanned, the end-users see all these files on their phones in the form of a gallery.

In addition to images, you can also share videos via QR Code. A Video QR Code makes it possible for you.

So the next time you want to share images or videos with your audience, QR Codes are your way to go!

3. Get people to visit you on social media

Social media is an amazing way to keep your audience engaged. And this does not only include the potential customers but the existing ones too.

Many brands leverage social media to keep their audience updated on the latest products, offers, etc.

And QR Codes can help you get people to follow you online. With a Social Media QR Code, the end-users see a landing page with button links to all your social media profiles. They can then select their favorite one to follow you online.

No hassle for them to manually look for the correct handle of yours anymore!

4. Share music, podcasts, and other audio files

Say you have released a podcast and want to promote it to your audience. So you leverage display screens in malls, airports, and various shopping centres.

Here, you add the name of your podcast and the link to it. Now, the interested audience pulls out their smartphone and types the link to your podcast. After doing all this, they finally find the podcast and listen to it.

To be honest, this is a long process. While some people may put in the effort, others won’t.

An Audio QR Code makes this whole process a lot easier. When people scan it, they see the required audio file on their phones. No need for them to manually look for it. Since the process becomes easier, the likelihood of you registering amazing engagement increases!

5. Share event details and a lot more!

Do you organize events regularly or have one lined up anytime soon? Then why not use a QR Code to promote it?

An Event QR Code helps you create a mobile-optimized landing page for your event. Here, you can add details such as:

  • Banner images
  • Textual description
  • Teaser video
  • Web links
  • Social sharing buttons
  • Google maps location of the venue
  • Button to add events to the end-user’s calendar
  • RSVP option to help people confirm their presence without snail mail

As the end-users scan the QR Code, they see all the details on their screens. And you don’t need to hire a software developer to do any of this. You can do it yourself in just five minutes!

6. Get audience feedback

Audience feedback is an important asset for every business out there. It helps you understand your processes from the audience’s perspective and make improvements wherever needed.

With QR Codes added to screen displays, you can get feedback easily. How? Via Feedback QR Codes.

When scanned, they take the end-users to the required feedback form. They can then just fill out the form quickly. Many business giants such as McDonald’s (India) use QR Codes to gather customer feedback.

7. Get people to save your contact or call you

Running a campaign where you’d want people to save you as a contact and call you whenever there’s a business opportunity? Then a Business Card QR Code is here for you.

It helps you share detailed contact information. For example, name, profile image, weblink, description, social sharing buttons, etc.

When end-users scan it, they see all these details and an option to save the contact. No need for them to type anything. They simply need to Scan and Save!

If you want people to contact you immediately, you can create a Phone Number QR Code. Scanning it pops up your number on the end-user’s phones. They can then simply hit Dial to give you a call.

8. Share documents and files digitally

QR Codes make document sharing easy and hassle-free. No need for you to print them anymore.

A single Document QR Code can hold up to 20 document files in different formats. When scanned, the end-users can see all these files on their phones.

This does not only make the document easily available on phones but also saves you a lot of paper. And that’s one step closer to an eco-friendly business!

9. Create a landing page without having a website

Many a time, businesses don’t have a website but still want to share information digitally with their audience. And not having a website is not a cause of concern now. Thanks to Custom Page QR Codes!

A Custom Page QR Code helps you design a mobile landing page by adding text, images, videos, social sharing buttons, web links, files, and a lot more to it!

All of this can be done in minutes. And once done, you can add these QR Codes to display screens. Simple!

C. How to create a QR Code

Now that you know how QR Codes can be used on display screens, let’s see how you can create them.

You just need a QR Code generator that offers you the appropriate QR Code category. Here’s a list of the top players in the market that you can refer to for making a sound decision.

Using Scanova for a quick overview, here’s how you can create a QR Code:

1. Go to Scanova and select the QR Code category of your choice

2. Enter the content to be shared and proceed to name the QR Code

3. Add a design to your QR Code (optional). Note that for promotional and customer-facing use-cases, it is recommended to design your QR Codes. It helps you maximize scans

4. Sign-up for a free trial and specify the QR Code image’s format and dimensions

5. Download the QR Code

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded. That’s all you need to know about QR Codes on display screens. You can now go ahead to create one and get started.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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