You all know what QR Codes are—advanced barcodes that are easily scannable using a smartphone.

For the uninitiated, QR Codes are of two types—Static and Dynamic. Static QR Codes are basic QR Codes, while Dynamic QR Codes have more functionality.

The two QR Codes are very different from each other. And are used for different use cases.

In this article, we will discuss Static QR Codes in detail and how you can create them using a Static QR Code generator tool.

Let’s begin!

A. What are static QR Codes?

Static qr code generator - Scanova

If the QR Code itself stores the target content, then it is a Static QR Code. The content could be a serial code, text message, URL, Wi-Fi password, or contact details.

A Static QR Code has the following characteristics:

1. Static QR Codes are permanent

The content stored in a Static QR Code is permanent. That is, once the content is encoded, it cannot be edited or updated.

Upon scanning, Static QR Codes will show the same content always.

2. Static QR Codes are non-trackable

Unlike a Dynamic QR Code, a Static code is an independent entity. It is not tied to any service. But, if you encode a URL in a Static QR Code, you can then track this URL via Google Analytics using UTM parameters.

Plus, in general, a QR Code can store 7,089 characters. The more data you add, the denser the QR Code will become.

For example, a Static Business Card QR Code can be encoded with contact details such as:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Phone number
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Company name
  • Website
  • Address

The QR Code will become dense since the information is directly encoded in a QR Code.

Now that you know what static QR Codes are, let’s see how you can create them for your use cases using a static QR Code generator.

B. How to create QRs using a static QR Code generator

In order to create QR Codes, you need the best static QR Code generator tool or a bulk static QR Code generator to create QR Codes in bulk.

Step 1: Picking the best Static QR Code Maker

Selecting the appropriate static QR Code generator is important for generating efficient QR Codes. Here is what to look out for:

Simplicity and Ease of Use: Some tools are easy to use, even without technical knowledge. 

Scanova offers an interface that is simple and friendly; it lets you create static QR Codes in seconds.

G2 Review of Scanova

Customization Options: Find a static QR Code generator that allows customization of your QR Codes in several colors, shapes, and even logos. 

Using Scanova, there are plenty of ways you can make your static QR Codes unique and just like your brand.

G2 Review of Scanova

Good Quality Outputs: Quality matters, especially for printed things. Scanova creates high-resolution, static QR Codes that are professional-looking and will scan correctly.

No Expiration or Limitations: Free static QR Code generators make QRs that are permanent and free to use. 

At Scanova, you can even create as many static QR Codes as you want, with no expiration or restrictions.

Try Scanova’s Free Tool Now!

Dependable Help: If you need assistance, having dependable help is very important. Scanova offers great customer support to help you at every stage.

Scanova prioritizes data privacy. They adhere to strict regulations like GDPR, SOC 2, and ISO 27001 to ensure your customers’ information is safe.

Trycon's robust Security compliance

Choosing a proper static QR Code generator will eventually facilitate your work in marketing. 

Scanova is the best option for a static QR Code generator due to its ease of use, customizability, and dependability of service.

Scanova is trusted by many big brands like Amazon, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, etc.

Step 2: Create a QR Code using Scanova’s static QR Code generator

Using Scanova for demo purposes, here are some steps that you need to follow:

1. Go to Scanova’s free static QR Code Generator tool

Scanova's Free QR Code Generator Interface

2. On the landing page, choose the category of QR Codes that suits your purpose best.

Note that the following QR Code types can only be Dynamic:

  • App Store QR Code: Single QR Code for all app store links (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.) of a mobile app
  • Product QR Code: QR Code leading to a landing page with your product
  • Social Media QR Code: Single QR Code leading to a page with links to all your social media pages
  • Dynamic Business Card QR Code: QR Code leading to a personal web page with all your contact details
  • Coupon QR Code: QR Code leading to a customizable coupon for your brand promotions

For demo purposes, we will be using the Website URL QR Code

3. By default, the Website URL QR Code category will be selected

4. Enter the URL you want to encode and click Download QR Code

5. That’s it; you have just created your free static QR Code.

Pro Tip: Scanova also offers advanced features like QR Code designs and other customization options. You can go for the paid version for that.

Let’s learn how you can generate awesome static QR Codes using Scanova’s static QR Code generator (Paid) 

1. Go to Scanova’s Static QR Code Generator

2. Select the required QR Code category from the available choices on the page that loads.

Choose appropriate category of QR Codes offered by Scanova's Circle QR Code Generator

3. Enter the URL you want to encode and click on Continue 

4. Once done, you will be asked to specify the name of the QR Code and click on the category of Static. 

5. Now, click Create a QR Code. On the page that loads, you will have two design options to choose from:

Choose Qr Code design type
  • Custom logo design: It allows you to add a logo and colors to it
  • AI-Generated Design: It helps you add an ai-generated background image to the QR Code

If your use case is marketing or promotional, it is recommended that you add a design to your QR Code.

Pro Tip: Customized QR Codes attract 50-200% more scans.

6. Once you have decided on the design, click on Done Editing, followed by downloading the Code

7. A window will prompt you to specify the QR Code size and format. Once done, click on Export

Download QR Code export options offered by Scanova

Your Static QR Code will be created. Note that you can use it once generated for as long as you want—no need to worry about renewing your subscription. To check out Scanova’s plan details, click here.

C. What content can you store in a Static QR Code

A Static QR Code can store the following content:

  • URL: Leads the user to a web page
  • Text: Display simple text such as message, promo code, or serial code
  • Contact Details: Displays contact information and allows users to save you as a contact
  • Wifi Credentials: Android devices can access the Wifi network. iOS devices can view network names and password
  • Maps location: Shows location on Google Maps
  • Calendar Event: Prompts the user to save an event (with details) to their phone calendar
  • Phone number: Prompts user to dial the number
  • Email Address: Opens the mail application with your email in the recipient field
  • Bitcoin Address: Displays your Bitcoin wallet address
  • PayPal Payment: Redirects to a PayPal page that prompts the user to send you a payment

You can either encode content directly or link Static QR Codes to a webpage.

You can also create static QR Codes in bulk. To do that, you can use QR Batch.

If you want to automate custom-designed static QR Code generation in your own mobile app or information system, you can use QR API.

D. Types of Static QR Codes that can be generated using a static QR Code generator

Static QR Codes contain fixed information and do not change over time.

They are widely used for various purposes, such as linking to a website, providing contact information, or facilitating payments. 

Here are some common types of static QR Codes:

1. URL QR Codes

These QR Codes contain a web address (URL) and, when scanned, direct users to a specific website. 

They are commonly used for marketing to lead customers to a particular webpage quickly.

2. Contact QR Codes (vCard)

These QR Codes store contact information, such as a person’s name, phone number, email address, and other details. When scanned, the information can be saved directly to the user’s phone contacts.

3. WiFi QR Codes

These QR Codes contain information about a Wi-Fi network, including the network name (SSID) and password. 

Scanning the code allows users to connect to the specified Wi-Fi network easily.

4. Email QR Codes

These QR Codes encode an email address and, when scanned, open the user’s email application with a pre-filled recipient address. This is useful for quick communication.

5. Text QR Codes

Simple QR Codes that encode plain text. When scanned, the encoded text is displayed on the user’s device.

6. Location QR Codes (Geolocation)

These QR Codes contain geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), and when scanned, a map application is opened to show the specified location.

7. SMS QR Codes

These QR Codes encode a predefined text message and recipient phone number. When scanned, the user’s messaging app is opened with the pre-filled message and recipient information.

8. Event QR Codes

These QR Codes contain information about an event, such as the date, time, and location. When scanned, the details can be added to the user’s calendar.

9. Payment QR Codes

QR Codes are widely used to facilitate payments. Payment providers like PayPal, Venmo, and various mobile payment systems use QR Codes to transfer payment information securely.

10. App Store QR Codes

These QR Codes link directly to an app in the respective app store (e.g., Apple App Store or Google Play Store), making it easy for users to download and install the app.

E. Advantages of using static QR Codes

Here is why you can use static QR Codes:

1. A good internet connection is not a prerequisite

Since Static QR Codes can encode information directly, they may not necessarily contain web content.

Thus, for Static QR Codes such as serial Code QR Codes and text messages, you do not require internet connections (Wifi or mobile data) to access the information encoded. 

You just need to scan the QR Code and see the content on your smartphone.

2. You can create static QR Codes in bulk

qr code with border

Say you need more than a hundred QR Codes for your use case. You cannot create QR Codes one by one. It will consume a lot of your time and effort.

With a bulk static QR Code generator tool such as QR Batch, you can create thousands of Static QR Codes easily.

3. Add a design to your QR Code

Just like Dynamic QR Codes, you can customize Static QR Codes too.

You can add your company’s logo, change the background color and image, and change the pattern of data modules and eyes, amongst others.

In other words, you can easily convert Static QR Codes into a piece of artwork.

F. Where can you use static QR Codes

where can you use static QR Codes

From general to promotional purposes— Static QR Codes can be used everywhere. And since you can create Static QR Code in bulk easily, here are some use cases:

1. For management and engagement

You can use QR Codes in the following use cases:

I. Inventory Management

You can create a Static QR Code to manage your inventory efficiently. You can create and paste the QR Code on every product.

II. Product Packaging

Product packaging: Static QR Code

You can create a Static QR Code to provide detailed information about your product.

For example, if you are a food and beverage company, you can use Static QR Code to provide information about GMO ingredients.

III. Product Catalogue

You can use Static QR Code in your product catalog to provide more information or interesting facts. This way, you can engage your customers better.

IV. Event Management

You can use Static QR Code in bulk to manage your events better. For example, you can put the QR Code in various spots containing the event schedule if it’s a large-scale event.

You can also create QR Code-based delegate cards. And store the delegate’s contact details. This will improve networking— exhibitors/delegates can efficiently network with the attendees.

2. For business and marketing

Here is how you can use Static QR Code for your business:

I. For your Business Card

You can create a VCard Static QR Code and encode your contact details. Upon scanning, the end users can save you as a contact directly in their phonebook.

All the manual work in saving a contact will be eliminated. This will help you build your network more efficiently

II. For your employee identity card

You can create Static QR Codes in bulk for your employees. Similar to a QR Code-based business card, you can store contact details (such as name, employee code, designation).

Upon scanning via a smartphone, the details of the respective employee will appear. This will ensure authentic entries in your workspace.

Besides, you can also use Static QR Codes on a gift card, in games and entertainment (Scavenger Hunt), and in a number of other areas.

III. Present additional work

Similarly, you can also use static QR Codes to manage projects or to showcase your unique work, such as mobile apps, project documents, designs, or articles.

But make sure you add a suitable caption to the QR Code image. It will help explain to the audience what the QR Code links to.

For example, say you are a content writer and have added one of your articles to the QR Code. A simple help note such as ‘Scan to read my article’ will help the end-users know what action to take.

Similarly, if you are a creative professional, such as a graphic designer, you can link your artwork to QR Codes.

F. Challenges and limitations of static QR Codes

Challenges and limitations of static QR Codes

Static QR Codes have their advantages, but they also come with some limitations:

1. Fixed content

Once a static QR Code is created from a generator static QR Code, the information it links to is set in stone. If you need to update the content, generate and distribute a new QR Code.

2. No tracking

They don’t provide analytics or tracking after you create a static QR Code. You won’t be able to see how many times the code has been scanned or gather any data on user interactions.

3. Limited flexibility

These codes are less suited for campaigns or projects where the information needs frequent updates or detailed engagement metrics.

4. Risk of obsolescence

The QR Code becomes ineffective if the linked content becomes outdated or inaccessible. This can be a concern for long-term materials or ongoing promotions.

5. Error correction challenges

If there’s a mistake in the encoded information, it can’t be fixed without creating a new QR Code, which can be problematic if errors are noticed after distribution.

6. Design limitations

Static QR Codes have limited customization options. You can’t add dynamic elements or extensive branding features.

7. Scanning issues

Like all QR Codes, static ones can be challenging to scan if they’re poorly printed or damaged.

Dynamic QR Codes offer solutions to many of these issues, providing the ability to update content, track performance, and add more customization.

G. Best practices: Static QR Code

Static QR Codes are commonly used for a variety of purposes, including sharing URLs, making payments, and providing contact information. 

To ensure the effectiveness and security of static QR Codes, it is essential to follow best practices. Here are some recommendations:

1. Use high-quality QR Codes

Generate static QR Codes using reliable static QR Code generators that produce high-resolution images.

This ensures that the QR Code is easily scannable and readable by various devices and applications.

2. Test scannability

Before deploying the QR Code, test it across different devices and applications to ensure that it can be easily scanned and decoded.

Consider testing it on various smartphones and QR Code scanning apps to verify its functionality.

3. Choose the appropriate size and placement

Make sure the QR Code is of an appropriate size for the context in which it will be used.

Ensure that it is not too small to be easily scanned or too large to fit the medium. Also, place it in a location that is easily visible and accessible to the target audience.

4. Provide a clear call to action

Accompany the QR Code with a clear call to action that guides users on what to expect after scanning the QR Code.

This can include instructions such as “Scan to visit our website” or “Scan to make a payment.”

5. Secure the destination URL

Ensure that the destination URL is secure and free from any potential security threats.

Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the user and the website to protect sensitive information.

6. Regularly check for validity

Regularly check if the destination URL is valid and functional. Websites or landing pages may change over time, and it is crucial to update the QR Code if the linked content is modified or removed.

7. Consider branding

If the QR Code is being used for marketing purposes, consider incorporating branding elements such as logos or colors to make it more visually appealing and recognizable.

8. Educate users

Provide brief instructions or information on how to scan the QR Code for users who may not be familiar with the technology.

This can help increase the adoption rate and improve the user experience.

9. Monitor and track usage

Utilize tracking tools to monitor and track the usage of the QR Code. This can provide valuable insights into user engagement and help in evaluating the effectiveness of the QR Code campaign.

10. Update with caution

If there’s a need to update the QR Code, do it cautiously, especially if it has already been widely distributed.

Consider the implications of changing the destination URL and communicate the update clearly to users.

H. FAQs: Static QR Code Generator

1. What is a static QR Code?

A static QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode containing fixed data that doesn’t change over time.

It typically links to a single destination, such as a website URL, contact information, or payment information.

2. How is a static QR Code different from a dynamic QR Code?

A static QR Code contains fixed information that doesn’t change, while a dynamic QR Code can be edited or updated with new information, making it more versatile for applications like inventory management and event ticketing.

3. What are the common uses of static QR Codes?

Static QR Codes are commonly used for purposes like sharing website URLs, displaying contact information (vCards), providing Wi-Fi network credentials, and making payments through platforms like PayPal or cryptocurrencies.

4. How can I create a static QR Code?

You can create a static QR Code using Scanova’s Static QR Code Generator.

5. Are there any size or resolution requirements for static QR Codes?

While there are no strict size requirements, it’s essential to ensure that static QR Codes are large enough to be easily scanned.

High-resolution images are recommended for better readability.

6. What information can I store in a static QR Code?

You can store various types of information in a static QR Code, including website URLs, plain text, contact details (vCard), email addresses, phone numbers, geographic coordinates, and more.

7. Is securing the data in a static QR Code possible?

The security of a static QR Code depends on the data it contains. For sensitive information, like payment details, it’s crucial to use secure connections (HTTPS) and ensure that the destination is trustworthy.

8. Can I track user interactions with a static QR Code?

Tracking user interactions with static QR Codes is more challenging than dynamic QR Codes.

You can use web analytics to monitor visits to the linked URL but won’t get detailed insights as with dynamic QR Codes.

9. How do I update or change the information in a static QR Code?

To update a static QR Code, you would need to create a new QR Code with the revised information and distribute it in place of the old one.

Managing the transition carefully is important, especially if the Code is widely distributed.

10. Are there any best practices for using static QR Codes effectively?

Yes, best practices for static QR Codes include ensuring scannability, providing clear instructions, securing the destination URL, monitoring and testing, and educating users on how to scan the Code, among others.

11. Can I use static QR Codes for marketing and branding purposes?

Yes, you can incorporate branding elements into your static QR Codes, such as logos and colors, to make them visually appealing and align them with your marketing campaigns.

Summing Up

In today’s blog, we’ve explored the world of static QR Codes and their incredible versatility. These unchanging digital codes have a wide range of applications across different industries, from marketing to everyday convenience.

If you’re still reading, you’ve already learned everything about static QR Code generators. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments.