You are probably into the apparel business. And like any business, you want to make the most of it.

To do it, you not only need to follow best business practices but also ensure safe shopping for your customers. But the question is—how?

With QR Code technology. These 2D barcodes are a common sight now. You might have seen them being used for sharing product information and collecting payments.

From text and numbers to multimedia, a QR Code can store a wide array of information.

In this article, we’ll see ten use cases of how a QR Code can be used to make the apparel business better.

A. How QR Codes can be useful for apparels

Here are the seven ways QR Codes can be useful for your business while making your customer experience better.

1. Provide product details

Gone are the days when simply putting apparel on display was enough. That’s because today, customers want to know all the details such as fabric used longevity, price, available offers, and return policy.

And how do they get it? One way is by adding these details to the apparel tags.

However, that’s often not feasible due to the limited printing space.

As another option, you can get your staff members to relay the product details. But there are various problems with that. You’ll have to appoint multiple people to do that which may cost a lot. Also, doing so may not be feasible all the time.

Hence, you need a better solution. Introducing—Product QR Code. It allows you to add as many product details as you want. For example, text, images, video, website, and even social sharing buttons.

And the best part is it occupies only a little space and can be added to the apparel tags. Customers can then scan it to see all the encoded details in no time.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

2. Stand out from the competition

It is important for any brand to stand out from the competition. After all, that’s how you can attract and provide value to your customers.

To do it, you can share your brand’s history, goals, or anything else that appeals to the customers. For example, you can answer the FAQs that your audience may have in mind.

And just like the previous use case, QR Codes can help you here too

Just encode the required information into a QR Code and put it on tags or the apparel itself. This not only looks tech-savvy but also delivers value.

3. Manage inventory

You probably use barcodes for inventory management. Even though they are useful, you still must face some issues from time to time:

Barcodes need more space than QR Codes for the same information stored. Hence, QR Codes are better when the printing space on the packaging is limited

Your products are always subject to wear and tear in logistics. And any damage to the barcode will render it non-operational

On the other hand, QR Codes can scan well even after getting damaged, distorted, or dirty up to 30%.

A barcode can only be read from left to right. If it is placed on a product in the wrong position, it will lead to non-scannability

However, QR Codes can be scanned from any direction— 360 degrees scannability.

You can only encode up to 20-25 characters in the barcode. On the other hand, QR Codes can add up to 7,089 characters. This is more than enough for inventory management

This is why, QR Codes are now replacing barcodes for inventory tracking. And you need them in bulk. To do it, you need a QR Code bulk generation service that allows you to create multiple QR Codes smoothly in no time.

4. Give coupons and discounts

Since there is a lot of competition in the apparel industry, it makes sense to use coupons and discounts. They not only attract customers but also keep the existing ones coming back.

But ever since the pandemic, people prefer contactless arrangements. Hence, you’d need to offer them the same.

This is where a Coupon QR Code can help you out. It offers two major benefits:

a. First, it makes the entire coupon redemption process contactless. That means your customer just need their smartphones to scan and redeem the QR Code. No need for them to carry the paper-based coupons all the time

b. Second, it eliminates the need for customers to remember the code. All they need to do it scan the QR Code and click on the Redeem button to avail it. It’s that simple

5. Offer contactless payments

Since the pandemic, contactless payments have been booming. And they have now become one of the best modes of payment. And they’re beneficial for both you and your customers. How?

It eliminates the need for you to buy any expensive tools to accept card-based payments. All you need to do is—get the QR Code from your payments service provider and add it to the check-out counter.

Your customers just have to scan it via their internet-connected smartphones to pay their bills. Simple, right? No need for them to carry their credit or debit cards all the time.

6. Gather feedback

Customer feedback plays an important role in a business’s success. So, it makes sense for you to collect the same from your audience. Why?

That’s because it will help you determine whether your customers like your products as much as you think or not.

But getting customer feedback is not an easy job. Say you give them the link to your feedback form. They have to follow a series of steps to fill it:

  • First, they will have to open their phone’s browser
  • Now, they have to tediously type the URL to access the form
  • Once all of this is done, they can finally fill it

This is a hectic process. Thus, many people don’t bother filling feedback forms.

However, a QR Code can help you out. Just create one for your feedback forms and put it out. You can add it to the store premises, at the checkout counter, or even on the bills.

All your customers need to do is to scan it to fill out the form. That’s it. That’s how simple it is. And the best part is that they don’t need to type any web link with random characters.

7. Drive web traffic or social media followership

It is common for apparel businesses to have their own website. It helps give the latest discounts and deals, evoke awareness, and even help customers order online. If you have a website too, you’d want targeted people to visit it.

And a Website URL QR Code can help you do that. Just create one and place it inside your store premises or promotional creatives. When scanned, it will take people to your website in no time.

Similarly, do you use social media to keep your customers informed on new trends and offers? Then you should get your audience (including the existing customers) to follow you on social media.

And a Social Media QR Code can help you out. As customers can scan it, they see a custom page containing buttons with links to all your social media accounts. They can then select their favourite one to follow you online.

8. Product verification

Forgery or duplicate products are a great menace, especially in the apparel industry. It not only puts your brand image at risk but also results in a loss of revenue.

So the question is—how to stop this?

Well, this is where QR Codes have got you covered. QR Codes are being actively used in authentication services across many industries.

Just like laboratory reports, you can add a QR Code to the product packaging.

As customers scan this QR Code, they’ll be directed to a page on your website. Here, they can verify if the product is genuine or not.

9. Offer styling advice

Many brands offer tips on how to style an outfit. It not only comes across as expert advice but also helps the buyers carry the outfit in one of the best ways possible.

And when that happens, the customer’s intent to make a repeat purchase increases.

If you’re planning to do it too, Custom Page QR Codes are here to make it even better!

It helps you design a mobile landing page having details such as your social media handles, images, videos, or even infographics. This creates a good user experience for your audience too!

10. Share details of an upcoming event

Say you are planning to organize a business event. This could be to attract new customers, showcase a new range of apparel, or promote your company.

And you’d need people to attend your event. To do it, you need to first provide event details to potential attendees.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

And an Event QR Code helps you do it in a tech-savvy way. You can add all event-related details to it. For example:

You can add all event-related details to it. For example:

  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Textual information
  • Maps location of the venue
  • Event schedule
  • Website
  • Social sharing buttons
  • Option to RSVP to the event

You can then add it to promotional creatives and invitation cards. Another best practice would be to add a CTA to it such as —’Scan here to RSVP for the event’. This will nudge the target audience to take the required action.

B. Examples of companies using QR Codes for apparel

1. Smart PJ’s

In July 2016, Idaho-based Smart PJ’s introduced a new way of storytelling to children. They printed 90 clusters of colorful QR Codes on each pair of Smart PJ’s. And each cluster of QR Codes had an encoded storybook. Wondering what they had? Well, each pair of PJ’s had a 90 storybook.

And to read them, all one had to do was scan the QR Code using the Smart PJ app.

Smart PJ QR Code

2. Diesel

Diesel, the clothing company, has added QR Codes to its denims with a text or call to action—Scan for Authenticity. It allows the buyers to verify the authenticity of the product before purchase.

3. Zara

Zara, the fashion and clothing brand, has added QR Codes to the price tags of their clothing. As customers scan it, they’re taken to a landing page with the product’s manufacturing details. It also offers information about different colors and sizes available in the product range.

4. Norwegian Club Tromso IL

Norwegian Club Tromso IL launched the world’s first jersey featuring a QR Code in 2022. Its aim was to defend human rights in Qatar amidst the Football World Cup 2022.

Norwegian Club Tromso IL QR Code

When scanned, it took users to a website with information on human rights with a focus on migrant workers’ conditions in Gulf country

C. How to create QR Code for apparel

Now you know how a QR Code can benefit your apparel business. The next question is—how to create one?

1. Decide on the QR Code category

Depending on what content you would like the end-users to see on scanning the QR Code, you would have to select the right QR Code category.

For example, if you want to provide detailed apparel information, you’d need a Product QR Code. On the other hand, if you want to share coupons and discounts, you’ll have to create a Coupon QR Code. Here’s a list of categories that you can choose from.

Once you’ve decided on the QR Code category, you have to find a suitable QR Code generator. You can also refer to this detailed comparison of the best QR Code generator available online. It’ll help you make a sound decision as per your requirements.

2. Create a QR Code

Using Scanova for demo purposes, here’s how you can create a QR Code for apparel:

1. Go to Scanova
2. Select a relevant QR Code category

QR Code categories

3. Now, you will be asked to add the content you want to encode in the QR Code

Once done, click Continue

4. On the page that loads, you have to name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

5. Now you will see the preview of the QR Code along with the Edit Design option

6. If you click on this option, a window will pop up with two design options—Custom Logo and Custom Background

Choose the design

Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add a logo and color to it. Logo can either be an image or a text.

Custom Background Design: It allows you to add an image as the QR Code’s background. It also allows you to change the pattern of QR Code eyes and data modules.

7. Once decided on the design, click on Download

Note that a window pop-up will appear prompting you to sign-up for 14 days free trial. Once you sign-up, proceed to Download your QR Code.

8. Next, specify QR Code’s image format and dimensions

Image size and format

9. Once you specify these details, click on Export

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded. It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before rolling them out.

That is all you need to know about how QR Codes can be used in the apparel industry. You can now create your own QR Code to make your apparel business operations better and offer your customers a hassle-free experience.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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