You probably run or manage a consumer electronics company. It could be to manufacture or sell gadgets such as computers, laptops, smartphones, TVs, tablets, game consoles, speakers, and headphones.

You’re looking for solutions to boost your business. And nothing does that better than engaging your customers. But the question is—how?

With QR Code technology. While QR Codes have been around for more than 2 decades now and have especially picked up since the pandemic.

For the uninitiated, QR Codes are 2D barcodes that can store a lot of information and are easily scannable with a smartphone.

From pharmaceuticals to textiles, businesses across varied industries are using QR Codes.

And in this article, we’ll discuss how QR Codes on consumer electronics can boost your business.

A. How QR Codes are useful on consumer electronics

Though there are endless ways possible, here are some of the best ones to use QR Codes for your business:

1. Detailed product information

As a business owner or a manager, one knows how important it is to ensure complete product transparency. And this is true for every industry, especially for tech-based products.

To do it, you need to provide complete product information to your customers. And QR Codes help you do just that. They help you provide as much information as you want without worrying about the limited printing space on your product packaging.

Just create a Product QR Code and add the required details to it. It could be images, text, website links, videos, and even social media sharing buttons. This QR code can even help you do away with the need to print user manuals.

Once you create this QR Code, you can add it to the product packaging. Your customers can then scan the QR Code to see complete product details.

2. Manage inventory

You would’ve seen barcodes being used for inventory management. However, they come with their own share of limitations:

a. Limited capacity to store information
b. They need dedicated hand-held scanners to scan the barcodes
c. Barcodes don’t get scanned once damaged (which is quite common during inventory handling)
d. You cannot edit them with new information once you’ve created them

However, QR Codes can take care of all the concerns mentioned above. They are efficient and reliable enough to eliminate all these problems.

And to generate QR Codes, you can use a bulk generation service. It would allow you to create multiple QR Codes smoothly in no time.

3. Give coupons and discounts

It’s quite common to give out coupons and discounts in your business. That’s because they help you attract new customers while keeping the existing ones coming back.

And a Coupon QR Code helps you do it in a much simpler way. It serves two benefits:

a. QR Codes make the entire coupon redemption process contactless. Thus, no need to worry about any physical interaction

b. With a Coupon QR Code, customers don’t need to remember the code or type it manually. That’s right. All they need to do is scan the QR Code and click on the Redeem button to avail of it. It’s that simple

4. Boost your website traffic or social media followership

We are living in the golden age of digitalization. And this has created a strong need to build your online presence irrespective of whether you are a business or an individual.

It does not only help you stay connected with your audience but also gives the latest discounts and deals, spread brand awareness, or even gets orders online.

To do all of it, you need people to visit your website online. This is where a Website URL QR Code can help you out. Just create one and place it inside your store premises or on product packaging. When scanned, it will take them to your website in no time.

Similarly, Social Media QR Code can help you increase your social media followership. As soon as customers scan it, they will see a custom page containing buttons with links to all your social media accounts. They can then select their favorite one to follow you online.

5. Create actionable billboards and flyers

It’s a fact that print media, as a marketing tool, has a longer attention span than digital media.

However, the downside to print media is—it is neither actionable nor trackable. Well, not anymore. You can make print media both trackable and actionable with a simple addition—QR Codes.

Wondering what would the QR Code do? Anything you want. From driving web traffic to sharing multimedia with them.

And this is not where it ends. You can even customize your QR code’s design to align with your business colors. Customized QR Codes act as a point-of-engagement to attract more cans than generic black-and-white ones.

6. Gather customer feedback

Getting regular customer feedback is important for any business. That’s because it helps you determine whether your customers are enjoying your products or not. Furthermore, you get valuable insights into where you need to improve.

But getting customer feedback is not an easy job. When you give them the link to your feedback form, they have to tediously type it in the browser to access the form and finally fill it.

However, a Feedback QR Code can make this entire process easier. Just create one and put it inside the store premises, at the checkout counter, product packaging, or even on the bills.

Your customers will simply have to scan it to fill the form. No need to manually type any form link.

B. Benefits of QR Codes on consumer electronics

A QR Code on consumer electronics offers various benefits while optimizing your customer experience. Here are some of them:

1. Editable content

Say you created a Product QR Code to provide product details. And after a few months, you’ve made improvements to your product. Now, you need to inform your audience about this update.

This is where dynamic QR Codes can help you out. They are editable. That means they allow you to edit the encoded content anytime you want without the need to create a new QR Code each time. Quite simple, right?

2. Scan tracking

Once created, you’d probably want to know the performance of your QR Code. After all, no campaign is ever complete without tracking its performance.

And the scan tracking feature of QR Codes helps you do exactly that. It allows you to track details such as:

  • How many people have scanned the QR Code
  • Where did they scan it
  • When did they scan it
  • Which device do they use to scan it

All this data can help you better optimize your future marketing campaigns.

3. Event Tracking

Event tracking goes a step beyond scan tracking. It helps you know how your customers are interacting with the content after scanning the QR Code. This could be anything such as hitting the sign-up or register button. Event tracking can help you monitor this data easily.

4. Custom design

If your use case is promotional and you want to attract as many scans as possible, consider adding a design to your QR Codes. Why?

First, it blends completely with your business colors and adds on to the aesthetics of the marketing creatives.

Second, custom QR Codes attract 50%-200% more scans than basic black-and-white ones.

custom qr code

You can customize a QR Code’s design by adding a logo and color or a background image to it.

5. Error Correction

Error correction is a unique feature of QR Codes. It ensures that QR Codes remain scannable irrespective of damage, dirt, or distortion.

C.How to create a QR Code for consumer electronics

Now you know why it makes sense to use a QR Code for consumer electronics. Next question is—how to create one?

1. Decide on a QR Code category

The choice of QR Code category depends entirely on what content you want your end-users to see

For example, if you want to provide product information, you’d need a Product QR Code. On the other hand, if you want to offer coupons and discounts you’d create a Coupon QR Code.

Once you’ve decided on the QR Code category, head on to find a suitable QR Code generator. For your convenience, here is a detailed comparison chart of the best QR Code generator available online. You can go through this to find the best one for your use case.

2. Create a QR Code

Using Scanova for demo purposes, here’s how you can create a QR Code for your consumer electronics device:

a. Go to Scanova

b. From the QR Code categories, select the relevant QR Code category

QR Code categories

c. Now, enter the content you want to encode and click Continue

d. On the page that loads, name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

e. Now, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code along with the Edit Design option

f. If you click on the Edit Design option, you’ll then see two design options—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design

Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add your company’s logo and colors to the QR Code. A logo can be an image or text.

Custom Background Design: It helps you place your QR Code on an image.

g. Once you’ve decided on the design or no design, click Download. A window will open prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

Note that no credit card information is required for sign-up.

8. Now you’ll be asked to specify the QR Code image’s size and dimensions. Once you submit the details, click Export

Image format and size

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded and ready for use. It is always advisable to test scan the QR Code before putting it out for your customers.

That is all you need to know about how a QR Code can make the consumer electronics business better. You can now go-ahead to create a QR Code for your use case.

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