Say you’ve a restaurant and you want to run a survey to learn more about your customers. Or how well your services are doing.

And you generally conduct it in either of the two ways:

First, you distribute paper survey forms to your customers. And ask them to fill it on-the-spot. Though, you do get responses handy by this method, it requires a lot of paper consumption.

Plus, you would then tediously have to analyse the results to get meaningful insights.

Second, you decide to create a survey form online and print the link on each paper bill you give to customers. Customers can type this link in their mobile browser and fill the survey form.

But the question is—will people really do that? Will they be willing to take out their phone, unlock it, open the browser, type the entire survey link, fill the form, and then submit their response?

Since this will need them to put both time and effort, many of them will simply skip doing it.

However, if you make it easier for them to access the form, you’ll see an increase in the number of responses. One way is to use QR Code for google reviews or surveys. Other way to do this is by adding a QR Code to your business invoices and bills.

QR Codes are actionable and trackable; and offer a sustainable solution to offline surveys.

Keep reading.

A. QR Codes—all you need to know

QR Codes are 2D barcodes that encode alphanumeric information. Today a lot of marketers use them to direct people from offline media to online content.

A Survey QR Code, when scanned, will bring up the survey form. People can fill it and submit their responses.

You can then analyze the recorded data to improve your services/products.

And by creating Dynamic QR Codes, you can track the scanning activity. That is, you can get analytical data based on date, city, district, browser, and device from where the QR Code was scanned. You can also see how your target audience interacts with the encoded content of the QR Code.

In addition, you can also capture the data of the people who scanned the Survey QR Code. This is possible by enabling the ‘Lead Generation’ feature, which we will discuss in detail later in the article.

Lastly, you can add a design to your QR Code by adding a logo or a background image. This will make the QR Code a point-of-engagement on your bills. And prompt people to scan it and fill out the survey form.

Branded QR Code

Now, you know that QR Codes can significantly enhance the customer journey by allowing customers to fill out the survey form effortlessly. Let’s move on to tell how to create a QR Code for a survey.

B. Popular use-cases of QR Code for a survey

1. Event

Say you’re hosting an event and want to get your attendees’ feedback. One way is to give a feedback form to each attendee. But compiling the data gathered from paper-based forms is a task. Alternatively, you can give them the URL to your digital survey form. 

But then end-users will have to tediously type the whole URL to access the form and finally fill it. This is a long process and hence, has a low conversion rate. 

This is where QR Code generator for review comes in handy. Just place the feedback QR Codes in the hall or gathering room. Guest will simply have to scan the QR Code to fill the form and submit it.

2. Product packaging

Products are the bread and butter of many consumer-based businesses. It’s common to see QR Codes for app downloads, product authentication, or additional product information on product packaging.

However, it’s also important to regularly gather feedback on how your products are performing.

Simply add the rating QR Code on the product packaging with a suitable instruction called CTA. For example, ‘Scan here to fill the feedback form.’

Customers will then be able to do the needful easily. 

3. Employee feedback

It is important for the organization to know how their employees feel. And a QR Code questionnaire can do this task in no time. Just place it near places like the cafeteria where people walking-by can scan it.

4. PowerPoint presentations

Say you are doing a presentation and want to know your attendees’ responses. Here, you can place the QR Code on the last slide of the presentation. Attendees can then scan it and submit their responses.

C. How to create a QR Code for a survey

There are two possible ways through which you can create a QR Code for your survey. These are:

1. Using QR Code generator to create both QR Code and survey

a. Create a QR Code

QR Code generators such as Scanova help you create Survey QR Codes in minutes without any hassle. Here’s how:

1. Go to Scanova and select Custom Page QR Code

QR Code categories

2. Now, enter the content that you’d like the end-users to see when the form loads. You can customize the landing page by adding description, background colors, images, weblinks, buttons, and files

Custom Page QR Code

3. On the same page, select the Custom Form option from the Add section on top

Custom form

4. Here, you need to design the survey form. You can start by adding a form description or a Question in the given block. Each question can have up to 200 characters

Custom Form

You can also add a question description, select the answer type, and choose if the response would be ‘Required’ or not.

To add additional questions, you can click on the Add Question Block option. 

5. Once you have added all the questions, you can design the Submit button. Here you can add the button text, color, border color, etc.

Submit Button

6. Then you’ll also see the Form Formatting option. Here, you can format all sections of the form in one go

Note that the formatting would be applicable on all the question blocks and the form description

7. Now, you’ll see the Add Form Expiry option. Using it, you can add the expiration date, time, and time-zone for the form

8. Once you’re done designing the form and the landing page, click on Continue

9. On the page that loads, name your QR Code and proceed ahead

10. Now you will see details such as QR Code name, category, and short URL on the screen. And on the right, you’ll see the QR Code image with the Edit Design button. 

You can use it if you want to add design to the QR Code. And since your use case is promotional, consider designing the QR Code. It will help you maximize the scans.

Choose the design
Design the QR Code

11. The first option you’ll see is the Custom Logo Design. Here you can add colors, patterns, and brand logo to the QR Code

The second one is Custom Background Design. It helps you place the QR Code on a background image.

12. Once you’ve finalized on design or no design, go ahead to Update changes and Download your QR Code

13. You’ll then have to specify the size and format of QR Code image to be downloaded

14. Once you do it, click Export and your QR Code will be downloaded

Image format and size

You can test scan the QR Code and put it on your promotional creatives easily.

That’s it. You now know how to create a survey QR Code. Since a QR Code improves customer service and makes the user journey better, the response rate for your campaign will increase!

b. How to see survey responses

If you used Scanova to create the survey (as mentioned in option a.), here’s how you can see the responses:

1. Login to your Scanova account

2. Go to My QR Codes section

My QR Codes

3. Here, click on the View/Edit icon against the QR Code you want to see the responses for

4. On the page that loads, scroll down to the Download Data section and click on Generate

The data on responses will then be generated and sent to the registered email. You can download it in CSV format and see the responses.

That’s it. You now know how to see survey responses.

2. Using an online survey tool and a QR Code generator

The first thing is to create a survey form. To do this, you’ll have to use an online survey tool.

You can use Google Forms, Zonka Feedback, and Zoho Survey, which are free online survey providers. In case you want advanced features, you can use paid services such as SurveyMonkey. Or you can check out some SurveyMonkey alternatives and Google Forms alternatives to see even more options

Once you create the survey form, you’ll get a unique URL (survey link). Now, copy this link and go to a professional online Best QR Code Generator such as Scanova.

Using Scanova QR Code Generator with Google Forms or other survey tools for demo purposes, you just need to follow some simple steps.

a. How to create a QR Code

1.Go to Scanova QR Code Generator Click on Create QR Code

2. Select the Website URL QR Code category

Design website URL QR Code

3. Enter the link you want to encode and click Continue

4. Here, name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

5. On the page that loads, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code along with the Edit Design option

6. If you click on the Edit Design option, you’ll see two QR Code designs— Custom Logo and Custom Background

Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add a logo and color to the QR Code.

Custom Background Design: It allows you to place a QR Code on an image.

Note that a customized QR Code attracts more scans than a black-and-white one. Hence, to attract maximum scans, design your QR Code.

Choose design for QR Code

7. Once your QR Code is ready, click on Done Editing. If everything looks good, click Download

8. A window will pop-up prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

9. Here, you’ll be asked to specify the image format and size of the QR Code. Once done, click on Export

Export QR Code image

Your QR Code with the survey link will be generated.

That’s it, you can use this QR Code on print media to get people to fill out the survey form.

b. How to analyze responses captured in this method

You can get analytical data by applying formulas and functions on the response spreadsheet of your Google forms. This will help give you an overview of the responses.

Besides, you can use platforms such as SurveyMonkey that give advanced options to analyze data.

So, in this case, you can create both Static (permanent and non-trackable) and Dynamic QR Code, depending upon the activity you want to track.

D. How to analyze scanning activity of your QR Code

Since Custom Page QR Code is a dynamic QR Code, you can get analytical data on QR Code scanning activity.

For this, you need to go to the Analytics section of your dashboard. Here, select the name of the QR Code you want to track the scanning activity.

Once specified, you will get the scan data by:

1. Time period

2. Location(city/country)

3. Device

4. Exact geolocation

5. Operating system

6. Browser

The data will help you give useful insights into how well your QR Code campaign performed. For example, you can know the exact time period in which the maximum number of people responded and send your next survey forms accordingly.

You can export the analytical data in PDF, JPEG, PNG, XLS, and XLSX format. Here, you can also export individual scan data per row.

For your reference, here is a detailed guide on QR Code tracking.

In addition to this, you can also see how your end-users interact with the actionable elements of the QR Code after they scan it. This is done with the help of the Event Tracking feature.

E. Best practices: QR Code for a survey

1. Clear and concise QR Code design

Ensure that the QR Code is clear and easy to scan. Avoid using complex or cluttered designs that might hinder scanning.

2. Mobile optimization

Make sure your survey is mobile-friendly. Most QR Code scans are done using smartphones, so the survey should be easy to navigate on a mobile device.

3. Test QR Code scanning

Before distributing the QR Code, test it on various devices and QR Code reader apps to ensure it works reliably.

4. Provide clear instructions

Include clear and concise instructions near the QR Code. Explain what the QR Code is for and how to scan it.

5. Shortened URLs

If your survey link is long, consider using a URL shortening service to create a shorter and more manageable URL for the QR Code.

6. Privacy and data security

Ensure that your survey platform follows data privacy and security best practices to protect respondent information.

7. Incentives

Consider offering incentives to encourage survey participation, especially if it’s a longer or more involved survey.

8. Timing and promotion

Promote the QR Code survey at the right time and through appropriate channels. Consider using social media, email, or physical signage to reach your target audience.

9. Custom landing page

Create a customized landing page for your survey that reinforces your brand and provides additional context about the survey’s purpose.

10. Survey content

Keep your survey questions concise and relevant to the purpose of the survey. Avoid unnecessary questions that could deter participation.

11. Pre-fill when possible

If you have some information about the respondent (e.g., name, email), pre-fill those fields to make the survey completion process faster and more convenient.

12. Testing and piloting

Before a full-scale rollout, consider conducting a small pilot survey to identify and address any issues with the survey or QR Code.

F. FAQs: QR Code for a survey

1. What is a QR Code for a survey?

A QR Code for a survey is a two-dimensional bar code that, when scanned with a smartphone or QR Code reader, directs respondents to an online survey. It simplifies the process of accessing and participating in a survey by eliminating the need to manually type in a URL.

2. How do I create a QR Code for my survey?

You can create a QR Code for your survey using Scanova. Simply input the URL of your survey, customize the design if needed, and generate the QR Code. Make sure the URL points to your survey.

3. Do respondents need a specific app to scan QR Codes for surveys?

Most smartphones have built-in QR Code scanning functionality in their camera apps. However, some older devices may require a dedicated QR Code reader app, which is readily available for download on app stores.

4. Is it safe to use QR Codes for surveys?

Yes, it’s generally safe to use QR Codes for surveys. However, ensure that the survey platform you use follows data privacy and security best practices to protect respondents’ information. Be cautious about where and how you distribute the QR Code to prevent misuse.

5. How can I encourage people to scan the QR Code and participate in the survey?

To encourage participation, consider using incentives, clear and concise instructions, and promotion through appropriate channels. Additionally, make sure the survey is user-friendly and relevant to the target audience.

6. Can I use a QR Code for both online and offline surveys?

Yes, you can use a QR Code for both online and offline surveys. For offline surveys, the QR Code can link to a survey hosted on a mobile device or point to a printed questionnaire that respondents can scan and complete later.

7. Do I need an internet connection to complete a survey via a QR Code?

Yes, respondents typically need an internet connection to access and complete an online survey linked to a QR Code. If you intend to use QR Codes for offline surveys, consider using a survey app that allows data collection without an internet connection.

8. How can I analyze the results of my survey after using a QR Code?

Most survey platforms provide tools for analyzing survey results. You can access and analyze the collected data by logging into your survey platform account. Exported data can be used in data analysis software or spreadsheet applications for further analysis.

9. Can I use a QR Code for a confidential or sensitive survey?

Yes, you can use QR Codes for confidential or sensitive surveys, but it’s crucial to ensure that your survey platform provides the necessary security measures to protect respondent data. Comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Now you know how to optimize offline surveys. Create QR Code for your survey now and make it easier for your audience to access the form.