Family service agencies aim for the betterment of the unprivileged population. And to do this, they run a lot of campaigns.

But it is important to raise sufficient funds for a successful campaign. And most of the agencies struggle to get enough monetary donations.

Plus, it is important to fully convey your vision to others. One of the ways you do this is by print media promotions. That is, you mention the link of your website on flyer/brochure/posters.

Yet very few people actually make the effort of typing the website on their mobile browser. And then explore your site. So how to drive traffic to your website and spread your vision?

Moreover, you constantly look for areas of growth and improvement. And to know this, you conduct a survey or distribute feedback forms.

But it is difficult to analyse results from these paper forms. And in a world, which fosters eco-friendliness, paper forms are not a sustainable solution. Besides, it also incurs a lot of printing cost.

So, it’s really time to enhance your processes. And by using QR Code technology, you can resolve all the challenges mentioned above.

Different industries all over the world are already using QR Codes. And are optimizing industry processes and customer experience.

In this article, we will see the use of QR Codes in family service agencies. The best part is that some of the organisations in this area are already using it.

Keep reading.

A. Know about QR Codes

QR Codes are 2D barcodes. They can easily be scanned via a smartphone to access the content encoded.

Given the increased smartphone penetration and high speed internet, QR Codes have become very popular. They are easy to create and not capital intensive. Plus, they help to make print media actionable, trackbable, and engaging.

Also, in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, the usage of QR Codes have increased multifold. Since they just need to be scanned, they promote contactless experience. Hence, they are being used in areas such as restaurant menus and ticketing to ensure customer’s safety.

A QR Code can link unlimited information. That is, you can link a website URL, text, survey link, and a video clip to a QR Code.

Plus, with a Dynamic QR Code, you can analyse the success of your QR Code campaign. These are advanced QR Codes, which help track scanning activity.

That is, you can get analytical data such as date, city, country, and browser from which the QR Code was scanned. The data will give you useful insights. And help make better decisions for your next campaign.

Plus, with a Dynamic QR Code, you can edit the content anytime. The QR Code remains the same and this saves your printing costs.

Next, you can actually make QR Codes as a point-of-engagement by adding design to them. By using a professional QR Code generator tool, you can completely brand a QR Code. That is, you can add a logo, background color, and a background image to a QR Code.

Now, let’s move on to see how family agencies can actually use QR Codes.

B. How can you use QR Codes

QR Codes in family service agencies can make their processes modern, tech-savvy, and better. Here is how:

1. To raise funds easily

QR Codes to raise donations

As mentioned, an optimal amount of funds is required for a successful campaign. And to achieve this, family agencies take a lot of measures.

One conventional way is to provide details of your digital wallet on your promotional material. Or give your donation webpage.

But for this, people need to manually type the details/web address. And then make a payment. Since this may be tedious to some, they end up not giving donations.

Thus, it is important to make the process easier. And one of the ways is to use QR Codes.

QR Code-based payments are very common today. They are secure, reliable, and easy. You can use QR Code payment apps such as Google Pay to get donations. Or you can create your own QR Code by integrating your payment system with a QR Code generation system such as Scanova’s API.

And if you want to direct people to a webpage, you can simply create a Website URL QR Code. Upon scanning via a smartphone, the end users will be redirected to the donation page. Since the donation process now becomes effortless, you will receive more funds.

For example, Akshara Foundation is a non-profit family agency located in Mumbai (India). It uses QR Codes to accept monetary donations.

They put posters at metro stations for promotional purposes. The posters had a QR Code which, when scanned, helped people to make donations.

Similarly, Spread The Love is a family agency service based in Canada. The agency started an online auction via QR Codes to raise funds. Upon scanning, the end users were redirected to the organisation’s donation page.

Here is yet another example. UNICEF, Hong Kong is also using QR Codes to raise funds in order to ensure each child’s hygiene in the backdrop of COVID-19.

Known as PayMe QR Codes, they are printed on face mask boxes, which UNICEF is giving away free of cost.

Upon scanning the QR Code, end users can make a donation.

2. To tell your objectives more efficiently

Only when the people know your vision precisely, they will be interested in supporting you. And one way to tell your objectives clearly is by using QR Codes in family service agencies.

Branded QR Code

With QR Codes, you can drive more traffic to your website or social media accounts. This will provide more exposure to your organisation as a whole. Here’s how:

You can simply link a QR Code with your website. And print this QR Code on promotional material. End users simply need to scan the QR Code to reach the target content.

Hence, this way they easily skim through your website. And know about your motto clearly.

Similarly, you can also create a social media QR Code. Upon scanning, end users will be redirected to your social media accounts. Here, they can like, follow, and subscribe to your account.

This way, the manual part of tediously typing the address eliminates. Thus, traffic to both your website and social media will increase.

It’s this easy to acquaint people with your vision!

For example, EarlyOn is a family agency in the United States. It uses QR Code on print media promotions. Upon scanning, end users can know more information about the organisation.

3. To get a feedback quickly

QR Codes to get feedback

Getting a review on your services is important for your own betterment. And for this, you generally ask your clients for feedback.

And with QR Codes, you can get feedback quickly. You just need to prepare a feedback form using tools such as Google Forms. And then encode the form link in a QR Code.

You can then print this on brochures, which you hand over to people. And write a simple help note such as ‘Scan to give feedback’. Your clients do the needful.

This is a sustainable way of collecting feedback. This is because minimal paper consumption is required as opposed to conventional paper feedback forms.

Plus, by creating a Dynamic QR Code, you can get analytical data too. This way, you can get useful insights.

Besides, you can update the feedback link anytime you want (in case you want to create a new feedback form with new questions). The QR Code will remain the same. Hence, you don’t need to incur reprinting costs.

For example, Catholics charity of Santa Clara county is a family service organisation in the United States. In February 2020, it used QR Codes to link a registration form of their Refugee FosterCare Information Session. End users could RSVP by scanning the QR Code.

4. To conduct a survey easily

QR Codes in family service agencies: Conduct survey

Family service agencies often run surveys to get a better understanding of their area of work. For this, you generally distribute survey forms. But this incurs massive printing costs and paper consumption.

In another case, you may create a digital form. And give this link on your print media promotions. But again most of the people do not make the effort of typing the link. And then filling the form.

This leads to low responses. And your whole purpose of a survey gets ruined.

To make the process effortless, you can create a Survey QR Code. Here, you can just link the survey form to the QR Code. Upon scanning, end users will easily be able to fill the form.

For example, Mountain Heart is a family service agency in Nepal. The organisation used QR Codes to conduct a short survey on child care needs in different areas.

5. Get people to contact you quickly

To network better, you generally handover your business card to the clients. This has all your contact details.

But in order to save your contact, clients need to tediously type all the details. And then save it to their phonebook.

Very few people do it. And hence, many-a-time this card finds its place in the bin.

There is a simple way to get more-and-more people to reach out to you. This is by using a QR Code on your business card.

Digital business card

We call it VCard QR Code. VCard QR Code links your contact details. Upon scanning, end users will be prompted to save you as a contact.

6. Impress clients with a welcome video

How do you acknowledge the support of your clients for your agency? One of the ways is to send them an envelope, thanking them for the contribution. Or you may also give them a welcome packet on becoming a member.

You can make your clients feel special by creating a Video QR Code. That is, you can simply make a heart-felt video. For example, you can make a video of your journey so far. And encode the video link in a QR Code.

QR Codes in family service agencies: Video QR Code

You can then print this QR Code on the packet/envelope.

This practice will definitely give a positive impression to your clients. And lead your image as being open to innovation and are tech savvy.

So, these were some of the use cases of QR Codes in family service agencies. Create QR Codes now to make your processes better.

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