If you’re a marketer, you’d know how powerful YouTube can be for your marketing mix. In 2021 alone, it generated USD 28.8 billion in revenue with a 46% year-on-year growth. Thanks to the 2.5 billion (and counting) users who use the platform every day.

In fact, the number of people who prefer consuming video-based content is growing too! That means the plain text is no longer enough to engage your audience.

If you really want to engage and even retain them, video marketing shall go a long way. To ride this wave, you are making use of this video streaming platform too!

And here’s the deal—you want to promote your YouTube videos. So you’re thinking of using a technology that’s not only useful for you but easy for your audience too!

Enter—QR Codes! Having picked traction massively across the globe, they make an excellent marketing tool. And they’re really easy to use for the end-users too.

They just need to open their phone’s camera application to take a quick scan. Even if their phone lacks the feature, they can install any free third-party application to do the job.

So you’re looking forward to creating a QR Code. And this article shall explain everything you need to know about a YouTube QR Code generator.

A. YouTube QR Code Generator: The basics

First, let’s just quickly see what a YouTube QR Code does. A YouTube QR Code when scanned redirects your end-users to watch the required YouTube video. Alternatively, it can also take them to your YouTube channel.

That means your target audience will not have to manually type any link. A scan would do the job for them in a second or two.

That’s why they make an ideal addition to print media promotions too. How? With them, it becomes easy for the end-users to switch to online content (video) via print. When that happens, the success rate of your campaign increases.

In fact, with a QR Code, you can even track how well your print media campaign has performed. How? Via scan tracking feature which helps you monitor the QR Code’s scanning activity. We’ll talk about it later in the article.

Now that you’ve got the basics covered, let’s see what features your YouTube QR Code generator must have.

B. How to use your YouTube QR Code generator to make your campaign effective

To maximize your YouTube QR Code campaign’s effectiveness, follow these steps: 

  1. Paste the YouTube video link you wish to encode in the QR Code. You can either copy the link directly from the address bar or use the YouTube Share options to obtain the link.
  1. Visit Scanova’s QR Code generator and click on Create QR Code
  1. Select the Website URL QR Code, from the QR Code categories
  1. Paste the YouTube link and tap Continue
  1. Once the page loads, name your QR Code, and click on Create QR Code
  1. You’ll now see a preview of your QR Code. Below it, you’ll see the Edit Design option
  1.  If you want to design your QR Code, click on this Edit Design button. A window will pop up prompting you to select the desired design—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design. The custom logo design allows you to add a logo and colors to it. Logo can either be an image or text
  1. On the other hand, the custom background design helps you place your QR Code on any image.
  2. After completing your design adjustments, click “Done Editing” and then select “Download.” A window will appear, inviting you to sign up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve registered, proceed to download your customized QR Code.
  1. During this process, you’ll be prompted to specify the size and format of the QR Code image according to your preferences.
  1. After finalizing all the details, click Export

C. Must-have features for your QR Code Generator

While the list can get pretty long, we’ve curated the four most important features to watch out for.

1. Dynamic QR Codes

Suppose you created a QR Code that redirects the end users to one of your videos. And you added it to your print media creatives. After a month or longer, you want your QR Code to rather take the end-users to another video of yours.

Here, you’ll not have to create a new QR Code from scratch. Dynamic QR Code will help you update the link in the existing one. Yes, you read it right!
But you can do it only if the QR Code is dynamic in nature.

In fact, with the dynamic counterparts, you can even track the scanning activity of your QR Code. So is not the case with the static ones. Static QR Codes are permanent (non-editable) in nature and cannot be tracked either

Being a marketer, this kind of flexibility can be of great help.

Related : Best QR Code Generator

2. Track Scanning Activity

If you’re a marketer, you know the value of evaluating your campaigns. It helps you to understand if your campaigns are meeting expectations or not.

Campaign analysis and optimization go hand in hand. Not paying attention to numbers is as good as leaving money on the table.

That’s why you must ensure that your QR Code generator offers scan tracking. It’ll help you see the scanning activity based on:

– Time and geography
– Devices used
– Browsers used
– Exact GPS location

Having access to such data will help you improve your campaigns in the future.

3. Event tracking for deeper insights

Event tracking is another valuable asset that you’d find helpful.
Most QR Code generators only offer scan tracking (which may not be enough at times). Knowing what the users did after scanning the QR Code can go miles in terms of user-behavior monitoring.

For example, after users scan the QR Code, see how many of them actually hit the ‘Register Now’ or ‘Visit Website’ button.

4. Customization of QR Code design

A plain black-and-white QR Code is quite boring to look at. And let’s be honest, it just doesn’t go well with the creative’s design at times.

But the good news is that a QR Code can be custom designed easily. And you don’t even need to hire a graphic designer to do the job.

You can do it yourself in minutes in one of the following two ways:

a. By adding colors and a logo

You can change the QR Code’s color and even add a logo in the center. This is called the custom logo design variant.

Just make sure there’s enough contrast between the background and the QR Code. So for a light-colored background, the QR Code must be dark and vice-versa.

Similarly, you can also add a logo (image or text) to the QR Code.

b. By adding a background image

You can also add a background image and superimpose the QR Code on it. However, here you’ll not be allowed to add colors to the QR Code. This helps maintain the scannability of the QR Code.

Now that you have learned the features your service provider must offer, let’s move on to the next step.

D. Converting YouTube link to a QR Code: Why is it convenient

Converting a YouTube link to a QR Code can be convenient for several reasons:

1. Easy sharing

QRs provide a quick and easy way to share links. Users won’t need to type or copy long URLs. This is particularly useful for sharing YouTube videos in physical spaces like posters, flyers, business cards, or presentations.

2. Mobile access

Modern smartphones have built-in QR Code readers in their camera apps or through third-party apps. By scanning the QR, users can instantly access the linked YouTube video on their smartphones.

3. Space-saving

QRs are compact and can contain a lot of information in a small space. This makes them ideal for situations where there’s limited space for sharing links, such as printed materials or digital displays.

4. Engagement tracking

Scanova offers analytics that allows you to track how many times the code has been scanned. This can be useful for measuring your marketing efforts’ effectiveness or assessing a particular video’s popularity.

E. Static or Dynamic, which YouTube QR is better?

Static and dynamic QRs both store information that can be quickly read by a QR scanner. 

However, there are a few key differences:

1. Static QR Code

  • Fixed content: A static QR has fixed data that cannot be changed once it’s generated. This data could be a URL, text, contact information, or any other type of information.
  • Permanent: Once created, the content remains the same indefinitely.
  • Suitable for stable information: Static QRs work best where the linked information doesn’t change frequently.

2. Dynamic QR Code

  • Changeable content: A dynamic QR’s content can be edited or updated after it has been generated. The QR can point to different URLs, update text information, or even change the target location.
  • Flexible and updateable: Dynamic QRs offer flexibility. This allows businesses to update information without constantly creating a new QR each time.
  • Analytics: Dynamic QRs often come with analytics features. These help you provide insights into the number of times the code has been scanned, when, and where.
  • Suitable for dynamic information: Dynamic QRs are ideal where the linked information may change frequently. It is best suited for marketing campaigns, event promotions, or digital menus.

To know the difference between the two in detail, read this guide. It will help you make the right decision when choosing between the both.

F. Why is it better to generate a dynamic YouTube QR Code

YouTube QR Codes are a boon for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals who want to promote their content. 

Among their struggles, one prominent challenge they face is the diminishing effectiveness of traditional print media promotions. 

Print advertisements often fall short when it comes to engaging consumers. It lacks the interactivity and immediacy that modern audiences crave.

Marketers and business owners may find it difficult to gauge the impact of their print campaigns. The traditional methods offer limited tracking capabilities. 

This lack of measurable results can lead to uncertainty about the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. This also hinders informed decision-making regarding future strategies.

The low engagement rates in their marketing campaigns, despite investing significant time and resources into crafting compelling content. 

Without meaningful interaction from their target audience, they struggle to achieve the desired outcomes and generate the desired return on investment.

By using QRs in their print materials, businesses can transform static advertisements into dynamic, interactive experiences. 

This newfound interactivity not only captures the attention of consumers but also encourages immediate engagement. It drives users to take desired actions such as visiting a website, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

Moreover, QR codes provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and campaign performance through advanced tracking and analytics tools. 

This data-driven approach empowers businesses to measure the success of their print campaigns in real time, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their marketing strategies for maximum impact.

Generating YouTube QRs in a dynamic format offers numerous benefits over static QRs. Dynamic QRs allow for editable content, enabling changes to the linked video or associated information without needing to generate new codes. 

They also provide tracking and analytics features, enhancing campaign performance monitoring and optimization. 

With added security options such as password protection and expiration dates, dynamic QRs offer increased protection against unauthorized use. 

Moreover, the ability to customize branding and manage content centrally further enhances their appeal for businesses and marketers seeking efficient and versatile QR solutions.

As per the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, YouTube holds the potential to reach 2.49 billion users through ads. This accounts for half of the 5.04 billion social media users globally, positioning it as the second most utilized social platform.

G. What are the benefits of converting a YouTube link to a QR Code

Converting a YouTube link to a QR Code offers several benefits. 

Firstly, it simplifies the sharing process, allowing users to easily share videos without typing or copying lengthy URLs. Secondly, it facilitates mobile access, as QR Codes can be quickly scanned by smartphones, enabling instant viewing of the linked video. 

Additionally, QR Codes save space and are ideal for physical materials like posters, flyers, or business cards. Lastly, some QR Code generators offer analytics, allowing users to track engagement and assess the popularity of the linked content.

Here’s what our customers think about Scanova:

H. How can you use your YouTube QR Code

You can use your YouTube QR Code in various ways to share video content efficiently:

1. Printed materials

Include the QR Code on printed materials such as posters, flyers, brochures, or business cards to direct people to your YouTube video. This is useful for promotional campaigns, events, or marketing materials.

2. Digital presentations

Embed the QR Code in digital presentations, slideshows, or documents to provide easy access to related video content during meetings, lectures, or presentations.

3. Product packaging

Place the QR Code on product packaging or labels to provide customers with instructional or promotional videos related to the product. This enhances user experience and provides additional value.

4. Digital marketing

Use the QR Code in digital marketing campaigns across social media, email newsletters, or websites to drive traffic to your YouTube channel or specific videos.

5. Events and signage

Display the QR Code on event signage, banners, or screens to engage attendees and provide instant access to event-related videos, interviews, or highlights.

6. Educational materials

Incorporate the QR Code into educational materials such as textbooks, worksheets, or handouts to supplement learning with relevant video resources.

7. Business cards

Include the QR Code on business cards to showcase your portfolio, testimonials, or promotional videos, allowing recipients to easily access your video content.

I. Who are the people best to use a YouTube QR Code?

YouTube QR Codes can be beneficial for various individuals and businesses, including:

1. Content creators

YouTube creators can use QR Codes to promote their videos across different platforms, such as social media, websites, or offline materials like business cards or merchandise.

2. Marketers

Marketers can leverage YouTube QR Codes in their campaigns to drive traffic to promotional videos, product demonstrations, tutorials, or testimonials. They can also track engagement metrics to measure campaign effectiveness.

3. Businesses

Businesses across various industries can use YouTube QR Codes to showcase products, provide customer support tutorials, share company updates, or offer behind-the-scenes glimpses to their audience.

4. Educators

Teachers and educators can integrate YouTube QR Codes into their lesson plans to supplement learning materials with video content, provide multimedia resources, or offer virtual field trips.

5. Event organizers

Event organizers can use YouTube QR Codes on promotional materials, event signage, or tickets to provide attendees with access to event-related videos, highlights, or interviews.

6. Retailers

Retailers can incorporate YouTube QR Codes on product packaging, displays, or in-store signage to offer product demonstrations, reviews, or customer testimonials, enhancing the shopping experience.

7. Artists and musicians

Artists, musicians, and performers can use YouTube QR Codes to share music videos, performances, interviews, or behind-the-scenes content with their fans and followers.

J. YouTube QR Code vs. Social Media YouTube QR Code

The difference between a YouTube QR Code and a social media YouTube QR Code lies in the platform used to share the QR Code and the associated user experience:

1. YouTube QR Code

A YouTube QR Code directly links to a specific YouTube video. When scanned, the QR Code redirects the user’s device to the YouTube video within the YouTube app or mobile browser. 

This type of QR Code is typically used in various contexts such as print materials, digital presentations, product packaging, or event signage to provide quick access to specific video content.

2. Social Media YouTube QR Code

A social media YouTube QR Code is a QR Code generated by social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, that links to a YouTube video. 

These QR Codes are often integrated into social media posts, stories, or profiles to drive engagement and traffic to the linked YouTube video. Users can scan the QR Code directly from their social media feed or profile to watch the video without leaving the platform.

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K. Best practices: YouTube QR Code generator

When using a YouTube QR Code generator, consider the following best practices to ensure effectiveness and efficiency:

1. Choose a reliable generator

Select a reputable QR Code generator that specifically supports YouTube links and offers features like customization options, analytics, and dynamic QR Code capabilities.

2. Customize design

Customize the design of your QR Code to make it visually appealing and aligned with your brand identity. Ensure that the QR Code remains scannable by maintaining a good balance between design elements and the QR Code itself.

3. Test scannability

Before deploying the QR Code, thoroughly test its scannability across different devices, screen sizes, and scanning apps. Make adjustments if necessary to ensure optimal performance.

4. Opt for dynamic QR Codes

Consider using dynamic QR Codes instead of static ones. Dynamic QR Codes allow you to edit the linked content without changing the QR Code itself, providing flexibility and enabling updates as needed.

5. Track performance

Utilize the analytics feature provided by the QR Code generator to track performance metrics such as the number of scans, location data, and time of engagement. Analyze this data to assess the effectiveness of your QR Code campaign and make informed decisions for optimization.

6. Strategic placement

Place the QR Code in strategic locations where your target audience is likely to encounter it. Consider both physical locations (e.g., printed materials, product packaging) and digital platforms (e.g., websites, social media).

7. Promote responsibly

Ensure that you are complying with YouTube’s terms of service and community guidelines when using YouTube QR Codes to promote your videos. Avoid spamming or misleading practices that may harm your brand reputation.

QR Code usage grew up to 323% from 2021-2023

L. FAQs: YouTube QR Code generator

  1. Can a QR Code link to a YouTube video?

Yes, absolutely! A QR Code can link directly to a YouTube video. When someone scans the QR Code with a smartphone or tablet, it redirects them to the YouTube video associated with the QR Code. This is a convenient way to share video content, as it eliminates the need for users to manually type or search for the video on YouTube. QR Codes linking to YouTube videos can be used in various contexts, such as marketing materials, product packaging, event promotions, educational resources, and more.

  1. How do you scan a code from YouTube?

To scan a QR Code generator for a YouTube channel linked to a YouTube video, open a QR Code scanner app on your smartphone or tablet and position the camera over the code. Once detected, the app will display the linked URL or prompt you to open the link, typically directing you to the YouTube video either in the YouTube app or a web browser. From there, you can watch the video as you normally would. 

Ensure a stable internet connection for smooth streaming and exercise caution when scanning QR Codes from unfamiliar sources to avoid potential security risks.

  1. Can a QR Code generator for a YouTube video open a video?

Yes, a QR Code can be programmed to open a video when scanned. You can create a QR Code that contains a link to a specific video URL, such as a YouTube video link, through a YouTube QR Code maker.

When someone scans the QR Code with a smartphone or tablet using a QR Code scanner app, it redirects them to the linked video, either opening it directly in the YouTube app or prompting them to open it in a web browser. This functionality allows QR Codes to serve as convenient shortcuts for accessing video content, eliminating the need for users to manually search for or type in the video URL.

  1. How do I create a QR Code for my YouTube channel?

To convert a YouTube video to a QR Code, first, copy the video’s URL from the YouTube website or app. Then, visit Scanova’s QR Code Generator and paste the YouTube link into the designated field. Customize the QR Code’s appearance if desired, and generate it. 

After ensuring that the QR Code properly redirects to the video by testing it with a QR Code scanner app, download the QR Code image or copy it to your clipboard. Finally, use the QR Code in various contexts such as printed materials, digital presentations, websites, or social media to conveniently share the YouTube video with others.

  1. What is the QR Code for the YouTube app?

The QR Code for the YouTube app typically contains a link that directs users to the YouTube app on their device’s respective app store for download. This QR Code is often used in promotional materials, advertisements, or websites to facilitate the download of the YouTube app on users’ smartphones or tablets. The specific URL embedded within the QR Code usually points to the app’s download page on platforms such as the Apple App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices).

That’s it! You are done with your QR Code. Hope you find it useful. Also, make sure you test scan the QR Code before adding it to your campaigns. It’ll help ensure that you don’t just have a QR Code but it works too.

Always go for a reputed QR Code service provider for all your business and marketing needs.

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