Every business wants to gain new customers. Hence, each one spends a fortune on customer acquisition. But just the way a great deal of effort (and money) is spent on acquiring customers, so should be done to engage and retain them.

It is a well-known fact that retaining a customer is five to ten times cheaper than acquiring a new one. And needless to say, both of them can contribute equally to your revenue. That means better business returns.

So the question is—how to retain your customers? Well, you can do it by keeping them engaged with your brand. And one way to do it is by leveraging one of the most vital customer touchpoints—receipts.

Yes, that’s one of the things which remains with people even after they leave the store. Hence, it can come in handy to bring them back. In fact, QR Codes can increase the likelihood of just that.

Many businesses leverage QR Codes on receipts to engage their customers, and it’s not so hard to find a receipt maker tool that comes with QR Code functionality. In this article, we will discuss various QR Code use cases and examples.

A. Empowering your receipts with QR Codes

You would have already seen QR Codes. In fact, you’d most probably have even scanned one. Their use cases are so diverse that almost every industry is using them. For example, textiles, automobiles, and engineering.

Regardless of whichever industry or business you are in, here are seven ways you can use QR Codes on receipts:

1. Generate repeat purchases

One of the best ways to make your customers come back is by offering them discounts and deals. After all, everybody loves them!

That’s why many brands actually do it. And to make it better, they use QR Codes for the same.

These are called Coupon QR Codes. When scanned, the customers see a landing page with all the details about the offer and the coupon code. But that’s not all. They also see a button that says “Redeem Now!”

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

That means people don’t need to remember the coupon code or carry the voucher with them all the time. A simple scan can make things a lot better for them. Great, isn’t it?

And since Coupon QR Codes are dynamic, you can even track their scanning activity. Not sure what it means?

In a nutshell, you can see the geographical information of the end-users, the devices they used to scan the QR Code, the time and date, etc. Here’s a detailed guide to help you out.

2. Get customer insights

While you try to deliver customer delight, it’s always a good idea to hear their experience. So customer feedbacks are your way to go.

They help you look at your processes from the customer’s perspective. That way, you get a clear picture of what they liked and what they didn’t. Hence, you can continue with the good processes and improve the ones that aren’t as great.

But here’s the thing—getting feedback isn’t easy. People have to follow a series of steps to access the feedback form and finally fill it.

Enter QR Codes for feedback! As people scan them, they see the form where they give in the required data. No need for them to open any webpage manually which just decreases the response rate. You can just create a feedback QR Code and add it to receipts.

Many businesses even reward people for giving feedback with a discount on their next purchase!

3. Build your visitorship/followership online

Almost every business today has a digital presence. And in the era of digitization, people love connecting with brands online. In fact, it’s one of the best ways you can engage your customers.

You can leverage your website or social media handles to keep them updated on the latest collections, deals, and events!

But it can still be a task to get people you visit you online. Why? Because to visit a website they often have to tediously type the web link on their browsers. Or in the case of social media, they have to spend a good deal of effort to find the right handle.

Since both these processes take time, they adversely affect customer experience. But not anymore! QR Codes are famous for optimizing the customer experience.

You can create a Website URL QR Code. Scanning it takes people to the encoded website in seconds. Similarly, a Social Media QR Code takes people to a landing page with buttons to all your social media profiles. They can then select their favorite to follow you online.

4. Build app downloads

Do you have a mobile application for your business? Then get people to download it using an App Store QR Code.

When scanned, it takes people to the required app on Play Store or App Store as per their phone’s operating system.

This is a famous use case among e-commerce businesses. They create App Store QR Codes and add them to their receipts. It helps them increase app downloads to drive sales easily!

5. Share user manuals or other important documents

Does your business require you to share manuals or any other documents with the customers? Well, then you no longer need to print them. How?

A Document QR Code is here for you. It helps you save printing costs by not needing you to invest in getting the booklets printed. In fact, just one QR Code can hold up to 20 document files in different formats. Isn’t that great?

6. Share audio or visual guides

Did you know that QR Codes can do a lot more than share web links and text? Yes, they can help you share multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio files.

So the next time you want to share video guides, trailers, audiobooks, or infographics, head on to a QR Code generator. When scanned, they help the end-users see the encoded content with a simple scan in seconds.

You can create the following QR Codes:

Both Audio and Image QR Codes can help you share multiple files with just one QR Code.

7. Create a landing page with the desired information

There might be times when you’d want to share information digitally but you don’t have a website.

Well, you don’t quite need to have a website of your own anymore. Custom Page QR Codes can help you with it. They allow you to design a webpage of your own by adding headings, descriptions, images, weblinks, videos, files, social sharing buttons, and a lot more!

And the good news is that you don’t need to hire a developer to do it for you. You can do it yourself in minutes. When people scan the QR Code, they see the landing page with all the details you have added.

Now that you’ve seen ample use cases, let’s see some of the real-world examples of QR Codes on receipts.

B. Businesses using QR Codes on receipts

1. McDonald’s India

The famous fast-food giant, McDonald’s, uses QR Codes to gather customer feedback on its receipts. Here’s how it looks:

Customers can scan the QR Code to access the form in no time and give their feedback.

2. Tata Power

Tata Power is an electric utility company in India. It was the first power utility company to embrace QR Code technology for digital payments via QR Codes.

They add QR Codes to electricity bills to help consumers make payments via a simple scan. This is yet again an example of customer experience being improved via QR Codes.

3. Shell Energy

Shell Energy is a gas, broadband, and electricity giant in the UK. Just like Tata Power, Shell Energy also added QR Codes to their customer invoices.

Scanning these QR Codes helps people pay their bills in a hassle-free way in minutes!

Now that you know everything about QR Codes on receipts, let’s see how to create them:

C. How to create QR Codes

First, you’d need to find a best QR Code generator online. While you can manually explore various options available online, that will take a lot of time. So here’s a detailed chart showing the comparison of the top players. You can skim through it to make a decision.

Using the Scanova QR Code generator, here’s a quick brief on how you can create QR Codes:

1. Go to Scanova and choose a suitable QR Code category

2. Add the content to be encoded and proceed ahead

3. Next, you’ll have to enter a name for the QR Code. Once you do it, click on Create

4. Your QR Code will be generated and you’ll see the image on the right. Under it, you’ll see the Edit Design option

Since your use case is customer-facing, we strongly recommend adding design to your QR Code. You can do it by adding a logo and colors or a background image to it.

It will have two benefits. First, it’ll help you build brand recognition. Second, customized QR Codes can attract 200% more scans than black and white ones. And you’d love that, right? Here’s a detailed guide on how to design your QR Codes.

5. After you decide on a design, you can update changes and Download the QR Code. You’ll then be asked to sign-up for a free trial

Note that you’ll not have to enter any credit card details while doing it.

6. After signing up, click on Download. You’ll be prompted to add the format and size of the QR Code image. After doing it, click Export and your QR Code will be downloaded

You now know everything about QR Codes on receipts. You can now go ahead to leverage the receipts to retain and engage customers to maximize your returns.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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