QR Codes need no introduction today. Though they have been with us for more than two decades, the pandemic fueled their adoption like never before.

From logistical management to advertisements, they’re used everywhere today. And you want to use one too. It could be for any use case promotional or operational in nature. You just want your end-users to have an interactive experience with seamless process management for you.

And here’s the deal—you want to create a Dynamic QR Code. Such QR Codes create room for a good deal of flexibility after all.

Hence, you’re looking for a dynamic QR Code generator. In this article, you’ll learn everything about one in detail. Let’s get started.

A. Dynamic Vs Static QR Code

Did you know that QR Codes are functionally of two different types:

1. Static QR Code

These QR Codes carry fixed information and are permanent in nature. Not sure what it means?

They store the data directly and can’t be edited after you create them. The content you add once becomes permanently encoded. To make any changes, you’re required to create a new one.

2. Dynamic QR Code

The dynamic QR Codes are highly flexible and advanced. They can be edited and tracked easily. How?

That’s because dynamic QR Codes don’t save the data directly. They store a redirecting link that stores the target content. And this link is provided by your dynamic QR Code generator.

This makes it possible to edit and update data-related changes in a dynamic QR Code.

In addition, dynamic QR Codes are also trackable for their scanning activity. We’ve discussed it in detail in the next section.

Read all about the types of QR Codes here.

Related : Best QR Code Generator

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

B. Benefits of Dynamic QR Code

Most users prefer creating dynamic QR Codes over static ones for the following reasons:

1. Editing of the encoded content

As mentioned already, dynamic QR Codes allow you to edit the content anytime.

To explain it better, say you create a Business Card QR Code with your contact details. About 3 months later, you happen to change your contact number.

Now you want to update the same in the QR Code too. A dynamic QR Code will allow the same easily. And once you update the changes, the same QR Code will reflect the new details. No need to even reprint the QR Code at all.

2. Detailed scan tracking

If you’re a working professional, you’d know the importance of performance tracking. Not tracking the impact of your effort is like leaving money on the table.

While print media doesn’t let you do that on its own, adding a dynamic QR Code sure helps.

It helps you track the scanning activity based on several parameters. For example, you can see the number of scans the QR Code received by:

a. Location (city/county)
b. Type of device
c. Time (date)
d. Operating system of the device used
e. Browsers used
f. Exact GPS location of the scan

With some QR Code generators such as Scanova, it’s also possible to see how the end-users behave after scanning the QR Code. For example, for a Business Card QR Code, do the end-users click on the Add to Contact button or not?

3. Access to advanced features

Dynamic QR Code generators offer many advanced features that are not available with static QR Codes.

For example, with dynamic QR Codes, you can create mobile landing pages. That means no need to worry about sharing content digitally even if you don’t have a website.

Your QR Code generator will help you design a whole mobile landing page without any developer. And this process shall only take a couple of minutes. Product QR Code, Event QR Code, and Social Media QR Code are some examples of the same.

In addition, you can also:

4. A clean and clear QR Code

As you know, QR Code stores the data across rows and columns in the data matrix.

When you increase the content, the number of rows and columns also increases. As a result, the QR Code becomes dense. And the denser a QR Code, the lower its scannability.

Since a static QR Code directly stores the data, it gets denser as you add more data. On the other hand, a dynamic QR Code only stores a redirecting URL.

So no matter how much target data you add for the end users to see. Your QR Code will still remain clear and scannable.

5. Activate or deactivate the QR Code

This feature comes in handy if you’d like the QR Code to stop working. Why?

Say you want to run a giveaway for a month. During this period, you create a Coupon QR Code for people to scan and avail discount on your services.

However, you’d like to stop the giveaway a month later. That means scanning the QR Code should no longer give people any discount.

You can do it by deactivating a dynamic QR Code. Scanning it will then give no result.

And in case you’d like it to start functioning again, you can activate it too. This feature is unique to dynamic QR Codes.

You’ve now learned all the basics of a dynamic QR Code generator. Let’s now see how you can use one to create a QR Code.

C. How to use a dynamic QR Code generator

Now is the time you create a dynamic QR Code. All that you need is a suitable QR Code generator here.

Using the Scanova QR Code generator, here’s how you can do the needful:

1. Go to Scanova and select a QR Code category of your choice. For a demo, let’s select Website URL

QR Code Categories

2. Add the website link that you’d like the end-users to go to after scanning the QR Code. Next, click Continue

Add a Link to the Website URL QR Code

3. On the next page, name your QR Code. Here, the Dynamic option will be chosen by default. Enter a name and proceed ahead

4. Next, you can customise your QR Code. You can choose to go for custom with logo or custom with background design

Customize Your QR Code Design

5. Once your QR Code is ready (after designingor not designing it), click on Download

6. You’ll then have to just sign-up for a 14-day free trial. No credit card details will be needed

7. After signing up, click on the Download icon. A pop-up window will appear ask you to mention the QR Code image size and format

8. Once you are done with the details, click Export

That’s it. Your QR Code will be created.

Now that you know how to create the QR Code, let’s see how you can edit it if needed.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

D. How to edit a dynamic QR Code

1. Login to your Scanova account and go to My QR Codes

2. Hover over the QR Code you want to edit and click View/edit icon. It’ll allow you to make the following edits:

Name: You can change the name of the QR Code

Category: Here, you can switch the QR Code to any other category from the list. The list includes Website URL QR Code, App Deep Link, App Store, Audio, Coupon, Custom Page, Document, Event, and others

Related : QR Code For Link

Tags: Here, you can add or edit the tags assigned to the QR Code

Content: It will help you edit the editing the content stored in the QR Code

Advance Settings: You can enable password protection, GPS location, and lead generation

Design: You can edit the design the way you want

3. After you’v made the required changes, click Update QR Code

Your QR Code will then show updated content on scanning.

You’ve now learned everything about a dynamic QR Code generator. As the next step, get started here: