You’re a consultancy and help businesses optimize their processes for better results.

It could be optimizing their marketing strategy, improving their conversions, improving their customer experience, and a lot more.

And you know that QR Codes are the new wave today. These advanced-level barcodes are easily scannable with smartphones.

Hence, from marketing to payments, they’re being used across a wide range of industries for various use cases. So you want to explore the scope of QR Codes for both your company and your clients.

qr codes in consultancy: discussion

In this article, we’ll show you multiple ways consultancies can use QR Codes.

A. For your own consultancy firm

Depending on your use case, a QR Code can help you in multiple ways. For example:

1. To make the most of your brochures

Consultancy is not only about sharing your expertise but also about networking.


Hence, you attend networking events such as seminars and conferences. They help you meet people, help them, make useful contacts, and even gain knowledge.

When you meet people, you go ahead to have a good talk with them. You try to know their interests, their business, and challenges. And if possible, offer them a solution.

So you offer them a booklet or brochure that tells what you or your company does. But the limited printing space keeps you from adding all the details that you’d want to.

This is where a QR Code comes handy. Rather than printing everything (text or images), add a QR Code to the booklet or brochure. It can take your audience to a PDF with detailed information. Or even to a landing page with both text and multimedia-based information. Or to a leadership article.

This way, you can cut the clutter from your brochures yet provide in-depth company details.

To create such a QR Code, you’ll need an online best QR Code generator. And to find the best one for your use case, you can refer to this detailed guide.

Also, you know that quite many people today prefer visual content over textual. And a video helps you capture this audience well.

So, you can create a video that tells what your company does and encode it in a QR Code. Then, add this QR Code to your brochures with an instruction such as—Scan here to know know what we do.

2. To network better

Other than booklets, you can also hand-out your business card to people you meet.

They can then add you as a contact on their phones and contact you later. A QR Code makes this process easier for you. How?

You can add a Vcard QR Code to your visiting cards. When scanned, it will prompt the end-users to save you as a contact on their phones automatically. No need to manually fill your details.

Business Card QR Code: Scan and Save

Hence, the chances of your contact making it to their phones increase. After all, the easier the process, the better the conversions.

Wondering—how to create Vcard QR Codes? If you have limited requirements (say one to ten QR Codes), you can create them one-by-one.

But if you need them in large numbers (say hundreds) for all your employees, you can use a bulk generation service.

These are some ways you can use a QR Code for your own use case. There are more than 20 types of QR Codes that can help you make things better. Just think what would you like the QR Code to do, create an appropriate QR Code, and get started.

Let’s now see how consultancies can help their clients with QR Codes.

B. For your clients

PR consultants to marketing consulting firms, and consultancies have a wide range of customers. From marketing and insurance agencies to healthcare services, you have to manage it all.

And with each industry, comes a distinct utility of QR Codes. See how:

1. For marketing businesses

Increasing website traffic, generating leads, and increasing conversions are some of the main concerns of a marketer.

And to achieve this, they follow one of the two possible approaches—digital or print.

Digital methods such as online ads are readily actionable for your audience. But they tend to have a short attention span.

On the other hand, print media (such as flyers and banners) has a longer attention span. But is not actionable alone.

And to create an optimized marketing-mix, the combination of both print and digital works the best.

You can use print media to grab the audience’s attention. And then redirect them to digital content such as your website.

QR Codes in consultancies: marketing

And a QR Code can help you do this. You can create one to take people to your website, your social media accounts, a YouTube video, or even to detailed product description. And then add it to your print media creatives. In fact, many marketers are doing this already.

Also see how the movies and entertainment industry is using QR Codes for promotions among many other use cases.

2. For inventories and industrial businesses

You know that barcodes are commonly used to track inventory. But did you know that QR Codes were originally created for inventory tracking too?

Inventory tracking

This is one of their most basic use cases. In fact, QR Codes are better at tracking than barcodes. How?

They can store much more information, sustain up to 30% damage, and are scannable with a smartphone. Hence, they’re not only easy-to-use but also cost-effective.

So for businesses that need to track inventory, QR Codes labels are an excellent solution. To create such labels, they can easily use a bulk QR Code generator. And even customize these labels by adding their brand’s colors and logo.

3. For healthcare services

QR Codes are often thought of as a tool for tracking and promotions. But that’s not it. They’re being used for many other use cases and healthcare is one of them.

QR Codes in consultancies: healthcare services

They are helping the healthcare sector in the following ways:

a. Tackling drug counterfeiting
b. Providing detailed information on how to use medical equipment
c. Storing patient’s medical history that helps doctors deliver the best treatment in case of accidents

Similarly, there are many ways healthcare companies can use QR Codes.

4. For banking and finance

Banks often look for ways to make transactions simpler for their customers. And nothing beats QR Code payments in doing that. How?

Banking and finance

First, there’s no need for recipients to install any cost-intensive set-up to scan a QR Code. Users can simply scan it via a smartphone and authorize the payment.

Second, people don’t need to type any details. They can simply open their payments app to scan the QR Code and complete the transaction. That’s it.

And to create QR Codes here, banks can even integrate QR Code generation with their own information system. We also call it—QR Code SDK.

Additionally, you can also suggest QR Codes as a tool of utility to software companies.

5. For survey purposes

To help your clients, you must first have up-to-date knowledge of the on-going trends in your industry.

And to stay updated about such trends, the best way is to survey the relevant audience. In fact, you are probably doing it already.

So you know that getting people to respond to surveys is not an easy job. However, there are multiple ways you can fix this. And a QR Code is one of them.

QR Codes to run surveys for NGOs

Rather than asking your audience to manually open the survey form online, automate it for them. Simply give them a QR Code for your survey form. When scanned, it will take them to the online survey. That simple!

. When scanned, it will take them to the online survey. That simple!

6. For insurance companies

Wondering—how can a QR Code help an insurance company? Well, in multiple ways.

For example—the Insurance regulatory and development authority of India (IRDAI) mandated the addition of QR Codes on car insurance.

When scanned, this QR Code took the user to insurance details on the service provider’s website. It hence helped check the authenticity of the document.

Similarly, QR Codes can help them request and process claims, make policy renewal easier, and help people download your smartphone app.

7. For event organizers

From sending out invitations to managing guest entries, event organizers have to manage it all. Each of these steps is important to ensure guest, and hence, client satisfaction for the organizer.

QR Codes in consultancies; event organization

And a QR Code can help make all such processes better. Here’s how:

a. An Event QR Code on invitation cards can be of great help. It can help guests mark the event on their calendars and get the exact venue location on their maps application. Further, it also helps the host get them to RSVP easily

b. Just like marketing, QR Codes can be easily used to promote an event offline

c. A QR Code ticket can help organizers authenticate valid guest entries in a smooth way. Each guest carries a QR Code ticket to be scanned at the entry gate. When scanned, it shows whether the ticket is valid, invalid, or duplicate. To create such tickets, you can head on to Ticket generator

Here’s a quick video on how event organizers can do it:

These are several ways consultancies can use QR Codes. From marketing and payments to insurance, healthcare, and event organization, QR Codes can do it all.

All that you need to do is—think about what problem you’d like to solve. Select an appropriate QR Code category, and create a QR Code.

The next step?

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