QR Code technology has established itself as the best O2O technology. And why not? It helps connect people from offline media to digital content with a simple scan. No need for them to manually type anything on their phones.

In fact, three major factors have led to the massive adoption of QR Codes. The first is an increase in smartphone penetration globally. The second includes a massive increase in access to high-speed mobile internet.

Finally, the contactless nature of QR Codes amidst the pandemic has made them useful across industries.

No wonder why QR Code usage has shot up in the last decade.

You’re planning to create QR Codes too! It could be for any use case such as:

● Running promotional campaigns for your business
● Smooth and better inventory management operations
● Ensuring product transparency via their packagings
● Accepting payments digitally
● Hassle-free document sharing with your customers or colleagues
● Giving away discount coupons and vouchers

The use cases are endless. And you want a QR Code generator that offers the QR Code category of your choice. In addition, you also want a service that does not limit your campaign by the number of scans.

In this article, we will discuss everything you should know about a QR Code generator with unlimited scans. Let’s get started.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

A. QR Code generator with unlimited scans: features

Say you want to run a campaign for one of your products. This campaign would need people to come to your website. And to facilitate it easily, you want to create a QR Code that will redirect the audience to your traffic in no time.

So you create a QR Code and put it on all your marketing creatives. These may include flyers, posters, banners, or anything else!

As people see the QR Code, they pull out their smartphones and scan the QR Code.

While launching the campaign, you expected a reach of 500 people. However, when you launched it, it managed to surpass the 500 mark you had in mind.

As a marketer, you’d be elated, right? After all, achieving even better results than you originally planned is quite a big deal!

However, if your QR Code generator limits the number of scans, you’ll be stressed too!

That’s correct. Before you launch a campaign, you can only have some performance benchmarks in mind. But when the campaign actually goes live, the results can be starkly different.

And when this difference is positive, your QR Code generator should be supportive of it.

Hence, it’s always good to look for a best QR Code generator that offers unlimited scans. It won’t cap the number of scans, hence, you won’t have to worry about your campaign performing well than you expected!

B. QR Code generators you can choose from

Finding a QR Code generator that doesn’t limit the number of scans is no big deal. You can simply head on to Google and type your query to come across pages of results.

But here’s the deal—besides unlimited scans, there are many features that you should evaluate your options for. Here are a couple of them:

1. Custom design feature

QR Codes can easily be customized by adding colors and a logo to them. You can also change the color of their background or even transparent.

Alternatively, you can even add a background image to the QR Code.

Such customized QR Codes help make your campaign a better success. How? Because they act as a point of engagement to grab the audience’s attention. When that happens, the likelihood of people scanning your QR Code increases!

It’s actually a fact that the customized QR Codes have 50% to 200% more scans than the black and white ones.

2. Lead generation

This is another incredible feature of many advanced QR Code generators. It helps you capture the details of your audience for lead generation campaigns.

And you don’t need to use two different tools to create the lead form and the QR Code. Just one QR Code generator takes care of both the tasks on its own.

3. Scan tracking

This is one of the most important features to look for in a QR Code generation service. QR Codes (dynamic ones) have the ability to let you monitor their performance statistics. For example, how many scans they’ve got, location and time of scans, devices used, etc.

In fact, some advanced services even let you see how the end-users interact with the content encoded in the QR Code. For example, out of the total scans, how many people actually clicked on the Visit Website button.

4. Multiple QR Code categories

While a Website URL QR Code helps you add a web link to it, a Vcard QR Code helps you add contact details.

Depending on what content you want to encode, there can be over 20 different QR Code categories. For example:

Text QR Code
Landing Page QR Code
Image QR Code
Product QR Code
Document QR Code
Audio QR Code

So make sure your QR Code offers you the QR Code category you need.

5. Data security

To create a QR Code, you need to enter the data to be stored in it. And while you do that, you’d like to ensure that your data is in safe hands.

Hence, as a best practice, make sure you go for the services that are GDPR compliant or ISO 27001:1300 certified. Such certifications are great assurances that your data is in safe hands!

Now that we’ve talked about everything, here’s a small snapshot of the top QR Code generators that offer all these features:

In addition, here’s a detailed comparison of the best QR Codes generators based on their elaborate features. Going through it will help you make a sound decision.

That’s it. You now know everything about QR Code generator with unlimited scans. You can now go ahead to choose one for your use case and launch your campaign. No need to worry about the number of scans being limited by the subscription plan you choose.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code