QR Codes have become an essential part of our daily lives—scanning menus, making payments, accessing information, and much more. 

According to a report by Ahrefs, people worldwide are searching for “QR Code” on Google more than 2.5 million times each month.

As their usage continues to increase, so does their demand. In fact, in recent years, another technology has made rounds—AI (aka artificial intelligence).

Imagine AI combined with QR Codes! Now, you can easily create amazing-looking QR Codes with just a few clicks! 

Isn’t that awesome? With AI QR Code generators, the process of creating QR Codes becomes smarter, easier, and highly personalized like never before.

In the next guide, we will learn exactly what an AI QR Code generator is, and how it can quickly help you create a beautiful QR Code.

Let’s begin!

A. What is AI? 

AI - Artificial Intelligence Vector Image

AI is like a smart computer that can do things that usually need a human brain. It can solve problems, understand what you’re saying, and find patterns.

Nowadays, there are AI tools that can make pictures just from a simple description. You tell the tool what you want to see, and it makes the picture for you in no time!

B. What is an AI QR Code Generator?

What is AI QR Code Generator

Imagine a magic tool that makes QR Code generation super easy! An AI QR Code Generator uses a basic understanding of machine learning algorithms to analyze input data. 

You don’t have to type everything in and design it yourself; the smart technology does it all for you, making your QR codes look great and work precisely as you want them to. 

Hence, It saves you a lot of time and makes QR Code creation more efficient and highly customized for individual needs.

C. How does an AI QR Code generator work?

Why use an AI QR Code generator

An AI QR Code generator first produces a basic QR Code according to the input data (for instance, URL, contact information, or text). 

Once the basic QR Code is created, the AI comes in to add some design layers based on your prompt. Customized visual elements are added to improve the look of the QR Code without diminishing its scannability. 

An AI QR Code generator uses special rules to make sure that changing things like colors, logos, or shapes don’t break the QR Code. 

It knows how to keep it working even when you make it look different without impacting the functionality of the code. 

Here is what the AI does: 

This smart tool checks the QR Code’s structure to make sure the important parts that help it get scanned stay the same. 

It lets you add things like logos, change colors, or make it look different. But it does this in a way that doesn’t make it harder to scan.

When you’re done, you can download the picture of your new QR Code and use it anywhere you want, like on your website, business cards, or promotional materials.

Here are some examples of AI QR Codes generated via Scanova’s AI QR Code generator:

Examples of AI gen QR codes

D. How to generate QR Codes using an AI QR Code generator?

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll be using Scanova’s AI QR Code generator to generate QR Codes with AI-generated designs: 

1. Open any web browser and go to Scanova’s QR Code Generator.

Choose appropriate category of QR Codes offered by Scanova's QR Code Generator

2. Pick a content type. For this example, we’ll choose Website URL QR Code. Now, type in the URL to which you want the QR Code to connect.

3. Choose between a static or dynamic QR Code. The default choice is dynamic.

4. Click the Generate QR Code to generate a simple black-and-white QR Code for your URL.

Choose QR Code design type

5. Now, Click on the Edit Design below the QR Code. Choose the AI Generated Design option.

6. Once clicked, you will be redirected to the design page, where you can enter a prompt to generate the QR Code.

AI Generation feature of Scanova

7. Enter the prompt, click on Generate, and wait for the AI to generate the design.

8. Once you’re satisfied with the design, click on Done Editing.

9. You can even see prompt examples if you’re wondering how to write a prompt.

AI Prompt example

After you are done editing, finalize the design and go to the next step 

10. The next step is to test your QR Code to ensure it works. Try various devices and QR Code scanning apps to ensure it goes to the right URL.

11. If everything looks alright, you can go ahead and Download your QR Code. Scanova lets you do that in various formats and resolutions for print and digital use. 

Download QR Code export options offered by Scanova

12. What next? Well, you can now display your QR Code in your marketing materials. Make it as easy as possible for your audience to see and scan.

See how easy it is to generate QR Codes using Scanova!

E. Why use an AI QR Code generator

How does an AI QR Code generator work

A QR Code generator that is powered by AI has some benefits that traditional methods can’t match:

1. Speed and efficiency

Most of the creation work is taken over by AI. This allows users to generate the QR Codes quickly. 

This becomes extremely useful when one needs to create various QR Codes in a short period of time.

Did you know that according to a report by Insider Intelligence, people will scan QR Codes almost 100 million times by 2025? That’s a 19% increase from the data from 2022!

2. Personalization

Making personalizations using an AI QR Code Generator is a very straightforward process. 

Whether you are adding a logo, modifying the color scheme, or making a unique shape, AI ensures that your QR Code remains functional while fitting into your brand’s identity.

3. Error Correction

The AI algorithms involved in the generators ensure that the structure of the QR Code is always optimized so that even the most highly customized designs can be scanned correctly. 

They also modify the error correction levels in order to maximize the possibility of “no bad scan”.

4. Analytics and Insights

Some AI QR Code generators (like Scanova of course) can provide comprehensive analytics on how your QR Codes are being used. 

This data enables businesses to better understand their customer’s behavior, like when and where your QR Codes are being scanned the most. 

This way you can adjust your marketing strategy based on the inputs from these analytics.

5. Ease of Use

Even if you know little to nothing about technology, an AI QR Code Generator is extremely user-friendly. 

It guides you through the process, suggests things to you, and automates tasks so that anybody can come up with professional, high-quality QR Codes.

F. Applications of AI QR Code generators

Application of AI QR Code generator

Here are a few ways an AI QR Code Generator can be put to use:

1. Marketing campaigns

Marketers can make QR Codes that match their brand’s style. They can even see how many people use them. 

A smart AI-QR Code maker can even change the QR Code design for different setups like posters, social media, or product packaging.

2. E-commerce

Using AI QR Code generators one can even create QRs for purposes such as payment, product details, or promotions. 

The AI can also optimize the same QR Code for mobile devices for a smooth shopping experience.

3. Events

Event managers can generate QR Codes that facilitate ticketing, check-ins, or promotional materials. 

It is through AI that these QR Codes can be personalized for the theme of the event. 

With valuable analytics, one can get real-time information on how the attendees are engaging with these QR Codes

4. Education

QR Codes generated via AI QR Code generators can be used in learning materials where students are redirected to online resources, video tutorials, and even assignments. 

Teachers can personalize these codes and track how many times it has been scanned.

G. Why Scanova is the right choice for your AI-Generated QR Codes

Scanova.io - QR Code generator app

Scanova is a good choice for your AI QR Code generator needs because it offers powerful, user-friendly software with customization, reliability, and usability at its best. 

Here’s why Scanova is different:

1. AI-powered design abilities

Scanova employs AI to improve QR Code designs easily. With this, you can create a stylish QR Code that does not compromise on scannability. 

2. User-friendly interface

Scanova has a relatively simple platform, making QR Code creation easy even for non-design experts. One can quickly make QR Codes in custom shapes with just a few clicks here.

3. Extensive customization options

With Scanova, you’re not limited to basic shapes. This QR Code generator platform allows for deep customization, including:

  • Shape Selection: You can choose from various shapes or upload your own custom design.
  • Frame Addition: You can add frames to your QR Codes for extra flair.
  • Color Customization: You can customize the colors to match your brand or individual needs. 
  • Logo Integration: You can even embed your logo into the QR Code to keep branding consistent.
G2 Testimonial of Scanova

4. Optimization for scanning

One of the strengths of Scanova is its scannability. No matter how complex or unique you design your QR Code, Scanova ensures that your QR Codes scan easily. 

The software uses advanced error correction methods, ensuring that it performs well even with partially obscured or damaged QR Codes.

5. Variably applicable usage

Scanova has a smart AI QR Code generator that can produce QR Codes for any purpose, be it marketing, product packaging, business cards, or an event. 

It can make QR Codes look pretty good and function wonderfully for any setup, be it online or print.

6. No technical skills needed

One of the best things about Scanova is that it’s a go-to tool for non-technical users. The AI takes care of the complexities behind creating a QR Code; 

You don’t even have to bother with the code structure or functionality. Just input your data and select your design, and Scanova will do the rest.

7. Real-time analytics

One of the standout features of Scanova is its real-time analytics. Not only can you create stunning QR Codes, but you can also analyze their overall performance. 

You can see what number of people are scanning your codes, where they’re scanning them from, and other significant insights.

Scanova's Brand Testimonial Review

8. Data privacy features 

Data privacy is, in fact, one of the prime concerns of any business and customers at large, more so in this present digital age. 

Scanova takes data privacy very seriously, which means that any user information collected via a QR Code has to be kept and handled securely. 

This platform abides by rigorous data protection regulations like GDPR, SOC 2, and ISO 27001:2022, putting your mind at rest over how your customer’s data is handled.

Scanova's Robust Security compliance

9. Trusted by businesses around the world

Thousands of businesses around the world trust Scanova. Be you a small business or a large corporation, Scanova can cater to your needs effectively.

Scanova is trusted by many big brands like Amazon, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, etc.

H. The future of QR Codes

As technology gets smarter, we can expect even better QR Code makers that work with things like augmented reality and virtual reality.

In the future, QR Codes might be able to change in real-time based on what’s happening, making them even more useful.

AI could also help businesses understand how people can use their QR Codes better. This can help them make smart decisions about their marketing. 

For example, AI might be able to predict what people will do and help businesses plan their marketing strategies.

H. FAQs: AI QR Code Generator

FAQs_ AI QR Code Generator

1. What is an AI QR Code Generator?

An AI QR Code generator uses artificial intelligence to generate and personalize QR Codes at the maximum speed possible. 

With it, it can automatically design and optimize the QR Codes according to a user’s preference without affecting its scannability.

It has an AI-powered QR Code generator, easy to use that leaves out the hassle, whether you’d like to add a logo, change the color, or apply a unique shape. You get beautiful QR Codes that still work perfectly.

2. How does an AI QR Code generator actually work?

The first step to achieving that is by generating a standard QR Code and using AI to understand your preferences, such as color, logo, or patterns. 

The AI ensures that your design does not hinder the code and, therefore, is always scannable.

Scanova makes it really easy: you just input your data and choose your design preferences, and Scanova’s AI handles the rest; you’ll have your QR Code beautifully designed and working in no time.

3. How is the use of an AI QR Code generator effective?

An AI QR Code generator saves time and effort by streamlining the design process. You can now create bespoke, professional-looking QR Codes that are still functional. 

The code is also optimized for different usage, either print or digital.

Using Scanova, you can create impressive QR Codes with little to no design or tech know-how. The AI would then determine if the QR Code is readable on all devices hence it becomes a great option for work or personal projects.

4. Can I customize my QR Code using an AI QR Code generator?

Absolutely! What makes the AI QR Code generators stand out is that you can add logos and color and shape options to personalize your QR Codes. 

AI will ensure that your design does not get damaged, even with generous customization.

5. Are they safe for use? 

Absolutely! AI QR Code generation, as offered by Scanova, ensures that even customized QR Codes remain readable and functional. 

More than that, AI contributes to maintaining the integrity of the QR Code through the application of smart error correction- the code will still work, even if its part is damaged.

Scanova offers more security features and error correction so that your QR Codes are safer and more reliable.

6. Why should I use Scanova’s AI QR Code generator?

Scanova is the best for you because it is easy to use and prompt with regard to reliability and the power of AI-driven customization. 

With Scanova, you can easily create visually pleasing QR Codes that will work as well as you can imagine. 

Moreover, you don’t need technical or design expertise at hand; it is taken care of by AI through Scanova.

Need a hassle-free, efficient, and professional QR Code generator? Look no further than Scanova’s AI.


An AI QR Code generator is more than a simple QR Code generator; instead, it’s smart and very efficient, with the ability to automate and enhance the entire process ranging from customization to analytics. 

Whether an individual would like to come up with a unique QR Code or a business wants to streamline marketing efforts, AI-based QR Code generators have multitudes of benefits.

The QR Code will continue to evolve, and getting AI into production only enhances it and makes it more efficient and necessary for us in our digital world.

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