Lead Generation

Capture contact information of people who scan QR Codes and build a leads pipeline

Lead generation made simple

Easily capture, manage, and analyze leads with Scanova

Smartphone screen with a customizable QR code form to capture user info before revealing content for lead generation.

Get User Details

Prompt users to enter contact information and other details before revealing QR Code content


  • Use standard fields—name, email address, phone number, etc.
  • Add custom fields like checkboxes, dropdown lists, ratings, emojis, etc.
  • Make fields required or optional
  • Add skip button
Mobile showing a customizable QR code form for conference registration, with editable elements like image, text, button, etc.

Customize Lead Form Design

Design your lead capture pages to include your branding and obtain the required information


  • Add header text
  • Add images
  • Add description boxes (such as privacy terms)
Lead list name and linked QR codes, with an Excel logo indicating export options in CSV/Excel in QR code lead generation.

Build Lead Lists

Create and manage unlimited lists and export captured leads data in CSV/Excel format


  • Create and edit unlimited lists
  • Assign a single list to multiple QR Codes easily
  • Activate/deactivate lead generation anytime
  • Export captured leads data in CSV/Excel format

Download Sample Sheet 

Man viewing lead source and conversion graphs on his phone to evaluate campaign with Scanova's QR code lead generation.

Get Lead Analytics

View aggregate data on acquired leads to analyze the success of your campaigns


  • Know leads acquired by time period
  • View leads conversion—acquired vs. skipped
  • Get leads by source QR Code

Skyrocket lead generation with Scanova

Boost your business and turbocharge your QR Code lead generation

14-day free trial | No credit card required